It has taken my hubby and I nearly 3 years to pay off all our debt and we were finally were able to save up enough money buy our own home in Jan. He makes great money but with a kid in college, one in high school (from previous marriage) along with child support and our families bills it just takes alot to live.
The problem is this..he wants a boat. We have saved 15K in a little more than 2 mts and It wont take but another 2 months to save enough to have enough money but he wants one NOW and we dont have the cash which would mean financing, again and getting into debt..debt that I have worked my a** off to get paid off. Finally free!!!!
I told him that we should wait till we save enough and that I didnt agree with what he wanted and he hasnt spoken to me in 4 days, told me Im not his mother and he deserved it....I think he is being impatient.
Should I give in or stick to what I think is best for our family as a whole?