
Get it out of my head!!!?

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about a week ago at the place i work we had a the kennel i work at one of the dogs passed away overnight... and a coworker were the ones who found it, and it was the first time i ever found something dead...(i've been to funerals nd all, but i was perpared for that...u know?)

and no matter how much i try to get it out of mind...i can't stop thinking about it...its so sad and i feel so bad for the family, and i can't stop picturing wat i saw! u do get bad things out of ur mind and come to peace with things that happen...

: )




  1. I think of how the bad thing could've been worse.  Maybe you could write the family a letter and tell them how you feel, it would relieve a lot of stress from your life.  Trust me, it works.  My mom felt so bad for this grandma who accidently ran over her grandson with her car (he was behind her on his bike) and he was killed.  She felt soo bad for her, she wrote her a letter and it made her feel better, knowing that the grandma was being cared for and in peoples prayers.

    When my dog died, I cried and moped and sobbed for a whole night, and my mom said that crying wasn't going to make it any better, what's done is done, and the dog's in a better place now.  upon rainbow bridge, where she's happy and with other dogs.  just think, If you're sad because a dog you loved died, think about how sad the dog is leaving all the people behind.

    You need to be strong for that dog, and help it through a hard time (even though it's already dead)  You can pray for his family every night for as long as you want, and eventually forget.

    but waiting is all you can do to make it pass (but try the letter thing too!)

    Hope I helped!

    <3 D.J.

  2. I know. I cannot get Nancy Pelosi out of my head. She has bewitched me. I dream of goat cheese and wine, parades in Frisco and Fisherman's Warf with wierdos and hookers. And those big teeth, those big shark eyes ... yiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

  3. Have you tried going to where you found the dog and mourning both it's death and what you saw?  Being in the place that something traumatizing happened and feeling your feelings there can sometimes help a lot.  Also, talk about it with your family and friends.  Talking is good.

  4. This might be some form of post-traumatic stress disorder.  Or you may be simply grieving the animal.

  5. from experience, it just takes time and you just have to deal with.  Just be sure to remember it's normal to have these feelings and eventually the image will get less often.  It's hard, but you just give it time.

  6. Things like this just take time to heal When my dog passsed away over night i was crushed. To get my mind off of it i would do something that i enjoy and things that made me laugh. Whenever you are happy it is hard to think about a tragedy.

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