
Get my video clips to work??

by  |  earlier

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i have some clips on my usb stick that play in windows media player and they are in AVI format, but originaly when i put them on my pc from camera they were in mpeg format, but i put clips in virtualDub program and made them into AVI format, anyway when i try and play them at school in same media player they wont work. it just says acquiring codec but then after awile it just says error or only plays the audio without the picture on the screen, IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN FIX THIS!!




  1. AVI isn't a video format,it's a file format - the video format depends on the coder / decoder (codec) used to encode the video.  The avi file's been written using a codec that's on your PC but not on the school's PC.  When Windows Media Player finds it hasn't got the codec it needs it tries to go on the web to get it, but you're not allowed to do that.  You need to talk to your system administrator to either get the codec you need or find out what codecs are on the school's PC and use one of those at home.

  2. you'd have to download updated codecs for media player. I'm not sure you'd have admin privileges to do that.

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