
Get packs of ciggarettes when your underage?

by  |  earlier

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please, dont give me this unhealthy stuff, i just want an answer to my question. how can I get packs of ciggarettes when im underage? Im tired of my home-rolled ciggs. Thanks.




  1. There's a reason for the age limit.  You should try studying more especially your spelling, instead of polluting your lungs with that c**p.  

  2. You don't need that stuff. Anyone who buys them for you techinically is breaking the law, and the only other way for you to get them would be to steal them, neither which is a respectable option. Find something better to waste money on.  

  3. Don't waste your money on that junk, God...don't you have video games to buy? Girls don't wanna kiss a guy who tastes or smells like an ashtray.

  4. You can't and you won't.  Ya know that's illegal.  And if ya get a fake ID that would make it worse.  You are asking someone how you can break the law.  Please, please don't.  I bet I am younger than you and I am already smarter than you.  I am reporting you.

  5. ask an older friend, or give someone that looks trustworthy ur money and theyll buy it [u cud throw in like $2 tip]  

  6. Steal them from your parents.

  7. ask an older friend

  8. give head to a homeless bum.

  9. yeah if your look old enough or you could just get someone to cop a pack for you outside of the store

  10. get someone outside and ask them if they can buy them for you.

    dont do it with dodgy people cause theres nothing worse then someone running away with your money. if that dont work grow a beard  

  11. ask a friend to get them for you...

    ps if you get caught you can get kicked out of school

  12. No one in there right mind will tell you cause that makes them guilty of helping you get them

  13. get a fake id

  14. go in and do what i used to. hold your head high don't be nervous and know the brand u want, if you're American try l&m if UK Marlboro. not sure bout L&M but Marlboro are rather expensive but very pleasant to smoke.

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