
Get paid £3000 to have the flu?

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Has anyone heard of this flu camp thing? its a lot of money for only 2 weeks but is it safe? heard about those guys a few years back who did medical research, scary stuff...

check it out and gimme ur thoughts please




  1. The money would be tempting, but give the risks serious consideration.  I had mastitis one time (has extremely similar symptoms as the flu) and I wanted to die.  Then again, I suffered without financial compensation :)  

    A couple things I would get verification on is:

    1)  Do they pay for the hotel or does that come out of your pocket or payment?

    2)  It says you can "earn up to 3000," so you need to get clarification on that.  Wouldn't you be disappointed if all you earned was 500 for all your suffering?  

    3)  Can you take pain relievers or different types of medication to ease your symptoms?

    Good luck!  If you do it, please post your results.

  2. I see that they are researching treatments and vaccines for colds,influenza and other respiratory viruses and will pay(up to)£3000!

    If you look at this link you will see that this was fruitless last time around

  3. I HATE the flu, but would definitely do that for £3000.  

  4. It obviously isn't safe I mean who the h**l is gonna pay £3000 if nothing is gonna go wrong? They would just test themselves wouldn't they?

  5. I just looked at your link.I do remember those fellows who participated in drug trials and I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near it.

    What use is money-however much,if you are dead?

  6. I think somebody ought to take note that they do not say they will pay everyone 3000 pounds- they say volunteers CAN earn that much.  Not that everyone does.  While it certainly puts a positive spin on things, I couldn't help but laugh.  A real case of flu doesn't make for a pleasant two weeks of vacation, so I don't see how folks could plan to use the time for doing much of anything.  The flu has some really nasty symptoms- like a high fever, joint aches, etc- so most folks make it a point to avoid catching it.  And then there are those nasty little complications that you can have, things like pneumonia, sinus infections, ear infections, etc.  And the medications they are trying to develop may or may not even be effective in relieving your misery.  I believe the time frame for the camp might also prove insufficient as well- since the flu typically takes you out of commission for at least a week or ten days, and even afterwards you aren't exactly yourself for a while.  My idea of camp doesn't include being sick in a strange bed, being surrounded by strangers, given remedies that may or may not work, and poked by researchers.  In fairness to the researchers, it's the only way to get the answers they need.  But before I signed on the dotted line to be a human guinea pig, I'd be asking exactly what the pay would be.  I suspect it's not going to be the full 3000.  As long as you are in really good health and don't mind a few weeks of being sick, I suppose there are worse ways to make the money.  At least this is legal.

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