Let me start off my saying that I go out running every morning for about 3-6 miles depending on the day.
We're on one income bc I stay at home with the kids and so money is tight and altho we manage everything pretty well, at times we don't get a beer or wine for the night. Then I get kinda pissy about it, both me and my spouse do.
Is it really bad to be drinking 3 drinks a night,I am sure I'm dependent on it in some levels but I certainly don't need it to function. Just at the end of the night, when we're trying to relax and it's a nice night out and I'd like a beer but we can't afford it I get and my spouse gets pissy about it.
Should I stop cold turkey and admit I'm an alchoholic or is there really nothing wrong with wanting to have a few drinks.
I grew up in that environment of dad comes home, sits down with mom for a few beers before dinner.
We feel deprived or something. I don't know. Tell me your thoughts?
And I mean really what's the difference than those who smoke and need that cigarette or else. There's no harm and never has my kids safety or care been in jeopardy so please just tell me what you think bc even I'm confused.