
Get rich quick schemes? what don't you like about them?

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if you have ever seen these online get rich quick schemes

what dont you like about them? as in what puts you off them or makes you close the window on them




  1. My biggest complaint is that they do not work.

  2. They are just that - schemes.  The only one who gets rich from these schemes are the ones who start them.  In the real world, get rich quick does not work.

  3. because if i had something  that actually worked i wouldn't sell it for any price...especially $19.95

  4. The ones that are get rich quick schemes,such as cash gifting,totally make me mad that they think we are actually stupid enough to believe it. Now,the ones that are a for real business ,don't make me mad at all,because I can see that they actually have a product to sell.

  5. i think you answered your own question.

    they are schemes.

  6. cash-

  7. The thing that turns me off is when they ask you for money upfront with no guarantee you will make a penny back. The only things I've ever tried are things that are completely free and risk-free. No personal info other than my name and address, no fees now or ever, etc.

    I've made about $60 in the last month using one such site, but since that certainly doesn't make me anywhere close to "rich," maybe it doesn't count!

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