
Get rid of a bad toothache?

by  |  earlier

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i have been taking ibprofen for a while now 1up to 3 pills now at least 3 times a day, and i use oragel like theres no tomorrow. and now have used the xtra strength kind. it knumbs it a bit but its still there. any suggestions for home remidies? did any one hear about mint leaves, or clover or using onion? I cant get a dentist apt for at least 2 months. help!




  1. use oragel

  2. Lately, I have been having the same problem. In my molar I have a huge cavity and can't get it pulled until next week. You probably have a cavity, especially if Orajel and Ibprofen isn't working. The dentist can't do anything until you take an antibiotic, I would consider taking Penicillin VK 250MG tablets. See if your parents have some, it works like a charm. I felt no pain at all after I took it. It may take a few hours to help but it definetly works!

  3. first if u have a toothache & it's that bad of pain, u should pray about it to God 1st. He is the healer of ALL healers. then go to maybe Osco's or even Wal Mart or somewhere that does over the counter medicine and ask someone there about your problem and ask what they would recommend for u to use until your visit with the doctor. hope the pain goes away & you feel better! dont forget to PRAY!!! :-)

  4. i have sensitive teeth so my teethe ache sometimes if i have sweets (ice cream, chocolate, etc.). so when i have a toothache it's cus of the sugar that i shouldn't be having!

    not sure if this will help YOU, but this is what i do:

    i brush my teeth with a special toothpaste that is for sensitive teeth. however, instead of brushing side-to-side, i brush DOWN. brushing down ensures you remove all the dirt from under your gums. so you can brush side-to-side gently for about 1 minute, then brush downwards for another minute to ensure your gums are clean. once you rinse your mouth, grab some floss and floss your teeth properly. if you don't know how to properly floss, look it up.. i'm sure there are diagrams that can assist you. once you're done flossing, brush your teeth again, and only brush downwards. so start from your gums, and brush down to your teeth! rinse again, and that's it. my teeth stop hurting after that!

    after this, try to floss once a day.

    i'm not a dentist, but if you have sensitive teeth like me, that might be why they're aching!

    also, if you call your dentist and demand an appointment, they'll give it to you. they usually leave room for emergencies. i know because once or twice i had to go to the dentist for an emergency, and they're like "oh you have to wait 3 months", and i said "excuse me? do you have any idea how much pain i'm in? i need to see a dentist immediately! you have to find room for me!" and i got an appointment the following day! :)

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