
Get rid of a pimple?

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So, I have this really yucky pimple on my cheek. It's pretty nasty, and it's only one. I have something important to do tomorrow, and I need to get rid of it. I put makeup on it, and it covers it pretty well, but is there anything I can do to get rid of the redness or swelling? I'm going to run to the store in a few minutes and I just wanted to know if anyone knew of anything that worked well for them?




  1. the neutrogina wave works really well

    if you dont get that then i would just pop that sucker haha

  2. i know it sounds gross but poke the puss with a needle and put some makeup over it and you will look amazing!!

  3. pop it. people say you egt scars from popping pimples, but i've never gotten a scar. and then wash it out really good after you pop it.

  4. Please don't put toothpaste on it or pop it. The toothpaste will dry it out and leave the area all nasty and super dry for a week. And popping it, especially if it is a big pimple, can leave an acne scar.

    I haven't found any miracle product that gets rid of a pimple overnight but I can tell you a few things I use that will definitely take down swelling and redness. To get rid of the red and just smooth the pimple over you should use Aveeno Clear Complexion moisturizer. Keep in mind this a little on the pricey side, $15, but the first time I used this I could already see the red in my cheeks and on my chin going away. And I agree with the asprin idea, but I prefer Excedrin headache pills (uncoated so they dissolve easier). I put a few drops of hot water so it dissolves and then apply it on my pimple. This will feel kind of grainy and look really white, so just make sure it doesn't get all over your pillow and in your hair.I do this before I go to bed and then wake up and wash it off and the pimple is like ten times smaller.

    Good luck! :]

  5. dab tea tree oil on it regularly throughout the day

  6. Soak an aspirin in really hot water and then put it on the pimple for like ten minutes. If you can squeeze it without using a pin to make a hole in your skin, that could work too because then it won't bleed, just pus will come out. If you wash your face with hot water after, the pore closes up too.

  7. try putting a dab of white toothpaste on it

    Else get some Pro-Active

  8. Okay, this may sound stupid but you can take the redness out of pimples with...... eyedrops. (Yes, you read right!) Go for ones that reduce red eyes. Put it on a cotton bud and hold it against your pimple for aprox. 3 minutes. Also get a zit pen, the Garniur (I don't know how to spell it) zit pen is good. It can work in up to just 5 hours.

  9. "Clean and clear fast clearing spot treatment" is the best. this treatment shows results in as little as 8 hours, by reducing the redness and swelling. it clears up pimples and prevents new ones from forming. its a small gray tube.
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