
Get rid of my spots??????????

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Anything At Home That Might Work For Spots Fast??




  1. Most people say toothpaste works, but it doesn't for me. I Just mix olive oil and brown or caster sugar and use it to exfoliate daily which really helps spots an blackheads but other than that you can make an oatmeal face mask just leave warm outmeal paste on for 15 mins then wash off, Or you could mix egg whites and avocado together apply to your face and wash off with luke-warm water after 20 minutes. Medicated Face wash can prevent them as normal soaps dry your skin so try washing your face normally but leaving soap on the spot overnight and washing in the morning. But products from your local drug store usually work between 3-7 days. Tea Tree Oil Works Great! Hope I Helped! Good Luck x

  2. oxy on the spot or any other benyzol peroxide cream. Use a salicylic acid facial wash like Neutrogena Oil Free Cleanser (in the acne section) which exfoliates the skin.

    Edit: sorry misread the question. You wanted something which you may already have. Well, try crushing up 5 soluable asprins with a little water to make a paste and use it as a face mask. Asprin is salicylic acid!

  3. hire yourself a sunbed and go on it two or three times a week.

  4. Drink plenty of water, this will cleanse from the inside, avocado fruit is very good for spots, also olive oil.Buy a descent face scrub with added witch hazel, and do not be tempted to squeeze them as they will spread! you will get a little bit more spotty first but that is because your face is pushing out all the spot stuff!

  5. sunspot? Celcin Blue shampoo. Sounds wierd but put in on them in the shower and over time they fade! Also stay out of the sun.

    Laundry spots? lol spray n wash

  6. Porcalane

    it's noticable within 1 or 2 weeks.

    search up "porcalane cream"

    it's also very cheap.

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