
Get rid of stage fright?

by Guest56019  |  earlier

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In a few hours I'll be going to a recital and I'll be performing there. I'll have to sing, and I don't feel very confident about it. I don't feel like I'm ready for this, but I have to go nevertheless. What if I make a mistake? It'll be so embarrassing. Any ideas on how to cheer myself up? Thanks.




  1. as long as you know the song your doing perfectly, there is no reason to worry.

  2. try not to worry too much about it. think of this as an oppurtunity to perform your talent in front of people, because it is. go through your song a few times, until you are sure you know it well. being confident you completely know your song will help you sing it successfully. get rid of any doubt, good luck :))

  3. stage fright goes away by expirence. The more you are on the stage, the less you will be scared.

  4. As an actress on the stage, I had a big problem with stagefright until I had a major role in my schools production. I then realized that when you are onstage or in front of an audience you don't have to worry because you don't have to be yourself. You can completely create a personality that has no stagefright at all. Plus, the audience is not as mean as people think they are. It is not like they are going to attack you or anything. I wish you luck, and I am sure you will do wonderfully.

  5. It's pretty much just an experience thing. of course your nervous NOW, but wait until you get on stage just sing your heart out, and the minute you step on stage don't have any regrets. Pretend nobody is there and pretend it is just a rehersal. You'll have SO much fun, trust me!

  6. you're having doubts :) have confidence! who cares what people think. you are just on your way to becomming a star. even if you missed a note. who cares! its not like anyone will know. they'll aplaud no matter what cause you had the balls to go up!

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