
Get them to back off??

by  |  earlier

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So one of my best friends is ridiculously skinny, she is 5'6" and weighs 90 pounds, but it's like genetic because her mom was the same way when she was her age. Plus she tries really hard to gain weight.

Anyways a lot of people will come up to me or even her sometimes and ask if she is anorexic (which shes not, i have seen her eat and she can keep up with the best of em).

When they ask that it makes her really upset and pisses me off because 1 shes not and 2 it's none of their d**n business. I even nearly back handed a guy yesterday for saying that i was lying for her!

So can you help me think of a way to get people to back off and leave her alone???




  1. just ingore wat people say thats thier own opinion it doesnt matter they just wannabe idiots..

  2. Well 1) you cant fight other peoples battles.

    2)If you know the truth,and she knows the truth the other people shouldnt matter.  But if they do ask  just  calmly explain that shes not. and its none of their business. and people are going to say that your lieing because they FEED off of real life drama, they love to breathe it sleep it eat it think it gossip about it, so dont be so concered about that. some people are just plain drama addicted.

  3. Just tell them why are you so interested in her life, i believe it doesnt concern them. Tell them that she is fine the way she is, just because they wanna be like her doesnt mean they should bother her or you. Everyone is different.  

  4. If I were you, ignore them. Say listen, she's not anorexic, and I know that for a fact. I'm not lying, so get over it. It's not your business, okay? If you lay down the law, or tell a teacher that people are butting into your friends business. If they don't stop, then just ignore them. If they think that she really is just say, "No! She isn't, so get over yourselves!" That is my advice.  

  5. She has to do that herself. It's not your responsibility. I feel your pain though........d**n I hate this world sometimes :-(

  6. How about a positive response?

    "I'm glad you care. That says a lot about you.

    Actually being thin runs in her family. Have you ever seen her Mother? I'm SOOO jealous...Anyway, so you don't have to worry. It is nice that you care. That is so special".

    practice it and it will roll off your tongue.


    Also I agree about not fighting others battles.

    beyond the above response, if asked, it is not your problem.

  7. Man, I feel the same you feel. People ask me if my older sister was anorexic and all I could do was either tell an older person in authority, make fun of them, like how my older sister's ex boyfriend tried to pick a fight with her and she told him that he was bad in bed, or just physically push them back. I don't want you to do that, though.

    Tell your friend that she has to stand up for herself.  

  8. itts a bit emotional .....right...........hhhaa....its her problem..dont take her on urself.....but i suggest try to defend her and remind them of their negatives

  9. It doesn't really seem like there is anything you can do. I feel bad for her, because one of my good friends is the same way, but she could out eat any fattie I know, haha! But she just learned to ignore it, and thought 'if people are going to say things whether good or bad, I'm still the center of their attention.' So she'll just need to deal with people being nosey jerks (thought some of them might be truely worried, they just don't know your friend that well). And it's good that she has a friend like you to help her out!
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