
Get this I have land in TN and can't get electric unless I get permission from land owner all around me?

by  |  earlier

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And she refuses! Here's the kicker we had our land since 1920 and she bought hers in 1994-by the way there is an old public road and everyone else has no problems getting theirs to their land. In a way she has land locked me from production. Doesn't everyone have the right to electric?




  1. I'm sure laws must be different from state to state ~ but in our state, existing public roads & utility easements seem to trump everything.

    I think you should see a land use attorney.

  2. I'm not an attorney, but no, I don't believe there's any right to electrical service.

    The problem arises when that service must cross privately-owned property like your neighbor's. Installation can be disruptive, violating the owner's right to enjoy her own property undisturbed by your desire for electricity.

    The installing utility must bring in trucks, which is hard on unpaved surfaces and may be unsafe or impossible in certain terrains or at certain times of the year. The poles and wires crossing the neighbor's property for your power are unattractive and will involve felling or trimming trees, destroying bird habitats. Underground service is destructive of plant life and may disturb animal habitats, aquifers, or the water table.

    You have two potential solutions: Unless your property is surrounded on all sides by the neighbor's, it may be possible to bring your power in from another direction, crossing another person's property. Or your neighbor's objections may be calmed by a nice fat payment for the right to do so. (Use a lawyer to draw up the agreement.)

    Or generate your own power?

  3. I would fight that.  Sounds like a scam to me.  Call the township or county office.  

    Or, if all else fails you could make yours into a landfill to get even with her...or a pig farm.

  4. The answer might be solar panels to make your own electricity from sunlight.

    Photovoltaic (PV) panels can charge batteries.

    Battery voltage can be converted to 120 volt AC by a device called an Inverter.

    Photovoltaic panels have come down in cost , so it might actually cost less to install solar panels, than it would to install poles and power lines.

    And once it's installed, you get your electricity for free, and emit zero pollution.

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