
Get to mexico?

by  |  earlier

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i live in chicago and my girlfriend lives in mexico. im trying to go to mexico to see her but my parents wont let me is there i way i can get to her without their help? i really love her and i would do whatever it takes to get to her.




  1. Well, now, that depends. Do you have money? 'Cuz if you don't, you are going to need their help. You could try sticking out your thumb with a sign on you that says, "Mexico or bust." Hopefully the people that pick you up will be kind enough to also buy you dinner.

    Are you 18 or over? If you are just go - hitchhike, take a bus, take a plane... whatever. I don't see why you would need your parents help - then again, unless, you know, you don't have any money!!!

    If you are under 18, you will need a parent to go with you. =) Tried to take my baby brother once, but since he was underage and neither of my parents were with him ... had to send him back, too bad. You have to have a notarized letter from the other parent stating that one parent has permission to take you into Mexico.

    Getting to Mexico from Chicago really is not the problem - where exactly does she live? Getting there might be a problem.

  2. If you are under 18 then you need notarized consent from both of your parents.  

    If you are 18 or older what's the problem?

  3. For any travel related need Try , here you can search more than 150 discount travel in one place

  4. your girl friend can get a travel visa to come to the USA  for like a week or two check into it,
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