
Gett ing a Kitten!Advice?!?

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My parents finally came through those of you who have seen my posts! I*'m getting a Kitten! (screams!) any advice????????????




  1. Spay/Neuter it!

    Keep it as in indoor cat!

    Microchip it, even if it's indoors.

    Supplies you'll need:


    Litter scoop

    Litter liner


    Food (Wellness, Solid Gold, Iams):

    Dry food

    Wet food- feed wet twice a day and dry all day, feed as much as kitty will eat in 15 minutes


    Crate- big enough to sleep and walk in, but small enough for the car and to walk around with

    At least ten toys

    Laser pointer (optional)- a great toy for kitties, don't shine it in their eyes

    QUALITY vet!  Take it to the vet as soon as possible to get it checked out.

    DO NOT DECLAW!  It hurts kitty for the rest of it's life.

    Good luck!!!  Have fun!!!

  2. Make sure you get him fixed. Even if he is an inside cat and unlikely to contribute to the unwanted pet population by impregnating another cat as a male when he matures he will spray in your house and become more aggressive. It costs about $90 to have a male cat fixed and 130$ for a female. Other than that you'll need yearly vaccinations and should be prepared to spend 60-100$ once a year on that. Make sure you feed him a good quality kitten food and don't stray from the same brand by feeding him different things until he is much older. Aside from food allergies little kittens have very sensitive stomachs and food changes can cause diarrhea which can quickly dehydrate and kill a kitten. Make sure your litter isn't clay based (clumping) until he is a bit older as kittens often eat litter exploring and clay based litter can expand inside and kill them. Cats are lactose intolerant contrary to popular belief so never fees him dairy like milk or cream as a treat as this will also cause diarrhea. Also make sure you don't have any string or ribbon laying around and your blind strings are wrapped up. Cats that eat string or ribbon can have their intestines tied up internally, and many a cat has accidentally hung itself on blind strings. Don't put a collar on your cat (if you are going to have him outside get him micro chipped or tattooed instead, many vets do this when they fix the cat) as the collars can also catch on things and hang the cat. I would suggest that you keep him an inside cat as an outside cats life span is about 10 years less than an inside cat. I could go on lol, but I think I covered the important stuff.

  3. Give you kitty love and voice rewards. I have seven "kids" ranging from seven to twenty years old. Each one will show one or more traits that I love and I reward them with praises, hugs and kisses. My oldest Spookie Anna Marie loves to get kisses, but she gives kisses too. Most of ny "kids" love to go for walks, and I always give them pets and praises for being so good on walks. People are amaze that they know their names and some even do tricks. Just give them love and care and they will return love back to you.

  4. first step to having a nice cat is being EXTREMELY gentle with them !! people are often to rough and then wonder why they have a skittish cat.

    i would advise to get 2 because cats do prefer company con-try to popular belief but one will be OK, get him from the shelter , dont buy one

    he will need lots of small meals , even through the night , my kitten bites my nose and ears at 4 am if i haven't left some food out for him. wet and dry , never a dry only diet- bad for there kidneys and bladder but a bit of dry for there teeth is good.

    lots of toys , let him play with you rather than you play with him , never ever move him or disturb him when he is sleeping ( it leads to a distrusting cat)

    give him lots of cuddles and kisses during the day but only for a few moments if he wiggles or meows because then he isn't enjoying it.

    don't leave him in a room on his own at night , it isn't natural for them and he will get upset, put him in your bed room with a litter box , food and water.

    always have them neutered, vaccinated and micro chipped (not till he is about a little older)

    im very pro letting your cats out side , if its possible. if your going to let him outside , make sure you know your area (what type of people , roads ,wild animals , im lucky my area is safe enough for my cats to go out) if you do let him out , start off taking him out on a special cat harness , teach him to come when he is called ( shake a box of cat treats works really well ) also put him in a cat safety harness with bells and an ID tag so he cant catch birds.

    thats all i can think of at the moment but if you have any questions email me =]

    oh yes and NEVER get your cat de clawed , it leads to an aggressive confused cat and its extremely painful for them

  5. Keep It Away From The Blender, Waffle Irons and Deep Fryers!!!!

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