
Gettin' the kids a little messy? Why not?

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I'm 13 and have 6 brothers and sisters (9, 6, 4, 2, and 2 month old twins). All (except the twins right now obviously) are interested in art. We have an art room that we just redid. It has all the things for them to do (paint, finger paint, use markers, clay, etc). My mom even got a sink installed where there is a connected low and high sink for the older and younger kids. The thing is, she will NOT let the kids play with anything but crayons. I don't get it. She spent a bunch of money on not 1, but 3 plastic picnic tables so the kids can paint and stuff apart. She has smocks for each of them too. I don't get it. We are on vacation and have family up here (distance but still family). Although we are in a hotel, we went over there house today and the kids LOVED playing with the paint. How do I get my mom to learn that it is okay for them to get a little messy and LIVE?




  1. Not sure what to tell you.  I let my kids get messy when playing...its part of being a kid.

    There's a time and place for it, of course.  My kids have learned when its okay for messy play, and when its time to be neat.  Allowing a little freedom to make a bit of a mess inspires creativity.  :)

    But, ultimately, its your mom's decision if she's the one who is going to have to clean it up.  Maybe you can negotiate with her on assisting with the cleanup...perhaps she'd give in once in awhile if she had help.  (And besides...what a waste of a wonderful sounding "art room.")  ;)

  2. Hey I am personally a paint and playdough type of mom..but I am sure she has a reason. I would be very respectful when you approach her and nicely ask since all of the kids like paint soo much like on vacation could we do this at home..offer to help clean it and the kids up afterwards and if maybe on fridays can be a paint day!

  3. Maybe she doesn't understand that letting them get messy on occasion is good or their development.  And since he invested money into a room to o that in, it seems like a waste of money not to let the kids enjoy it.  She has the stuff to let them get dirty, even the sinks.  Kids need the time to get creative, and get messy.  It's part of being a kid.

  4. because she doesn't want to have to clean them up afterwards... I don't blame her - maybe she should have a certain day a month where you guys can all get messy, wear old t-shirts as smocks and have fun... but I can understand her desire to not wash clothes and clean the kids up all afternoon after getting "messy"... on occasion I can see it ok but not everyday....

  5. some people think it's too hard because they will have to clean it up, but If you really think they should be doing it. ask your mom if you can help them paint.

  6. If its a warm day dress them in underwear & singlets - let them paint to their hearts content - then BATH THEM ALL from top to bottom ( let the 9 yr old bath themselves !).

    Show your Mum you can help out & clean up.

    Think about it - with 7 kids the last thing your Mum will want is a huge mess -

    Wash the floor, wipe up the paint & clean up so the kids & the room are spotless.

    ( Give them paint in egg cups - tiny amounts not big bottles)

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