
Gettin Braces Soon...?

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I'm getting braces in about 5 days.

And to be honest I'm kind of excited.

Probably because I really like changes to my appearance, and this will be one of them.

Anyway, I just had a feew questions:

-I'm getting braces where the bracket is clear, but will these turn yellow?

- I'm 14, almost 15 (in about 3 months) is this a good time to get them?

-I know, this is cliche, but is it possible to still come off as attractive with them?

-Will 1.5 years - 2.5 years, seem like forever??

-What foods can I eat? I know braces hurt as soon as they get put on for some people, so I was wondering...?

-What foods should I stay away from?

-I use tylenol for medecine (well to kill the pain) but is this ok?

-Just anything else you think I might need to know...





  1. i don't know if they will turn yellow - honestly i don't think so.

    the sooner the better - this is a good time.

    it is for sure possible to look very nice with braces.

    i've had my braces on for a year so far. it doesn't seem like forever. just don't think about how long you're gonna have live with them. they sort of become a part of you.

    i eat anything and everything. some things are harder to get out when you're brushing, though.

    stay away from whatever you're scared of - as in, when i look at a food and think, 'how in the world am i gonna brush that out?' or, 'that's way too hard to bite!' i just don't eat it.

    i never took anything for the pain.

    food - when you go for your periodical checkups, to change the rubber bands, for two or three days you will have to have a very soft diet - ice cream, apple sauce, drinks, etc. - because your teeth will hurt. in 5 days, when you get your braces, your teeth may hurt for as much as a week! just eat easy.

    good luck!  

  2. I had braces for about a year and a half and I just got them off a couple months ago.

    -I had clear bands around my brackets once and they did turn a little yellow but not too bad.

    -I don't know if its a good time or not. I got mine when I was 13 and got them off at 14.

    -I think the attractive thing is really opinion, but it is possible.

    -1.5 years didn't seem like a very long time for me so I'm guessing no.

    -As far as food goes, your orthodontist will probably tell you to stay away from things like gum or chewy candy, but personally, I just ate whatever I wanted. However, after you get them tightened they do hurt and it's hard to eat, but it doesn't last long.

    -Any painkiller should work. I usually take advil.

    Hope this helps! =D

  3. 1. Don't know

    2. Yes, better to get them now instead of when your an adult

    3. Yes, several girls in my school are quite attractive even with braces.

    4. No, the time will fly.

    5. You can't eat doritos, hard pretzels, hard candy or drink dark pop, caramel, or anything hard.

    6. Yes, that's what I do.

    7. Don't pick at them, always brush, follow your dentists instructions.

  4. - They shouldn't turn yellow if you maintain them properly and continue proper brushing habits.

    - You're age is definitely a good time to get them while your mouth is still developing and forming your bite you'll have for the remainder of your like. I'm guessing your dentist has decided to use braces now to correct a problem which is easier fixed at this stage of your mouth's development.

    - Braces are very common these days, and yes you can come off as attractive. A lot of people like having braces!

    - 1.5 - 2.5 years will not seems like that long if you enjoy having the braces, so "em-brace" them! LOL that was CORNY!

    - You are restricted in foods you can eat. No sticky foods, etc.

    - You're braces will have some 'discomfort' after being tightened, but it's something most people learn to manage after a while.

    - Depending on how well you manage the pain you may not even need pain killers!!!

    - Enjoy getting you're braces, and just think that at the end of you're treatment you'll have a beautiful - perfect smile that others will be jealous of!!!

  5. -they won't turn yellow, just be sure to stay away from the clear bands. They will turn yellow.

    -yes that is a good time to get them, it is so perfect, by the time you're a senior you'll be brace-free with a perfect smile

    -yes! you can be attractive with braces!! the reason i got time was because i thought that there were so many girls that looked really uniqe with them on.

    -stay away from "whole" apples, lol, try cutting them up instead of munching on them, you won't be able to. That's pretty much all i can think of. Chew gum isn't really a problem either, i chew gum eight hours a day. gosh.

    - yeah tylenol is great, nothing to worry about

    -i'm not sure if you are also getting "spacers" but they hurt. When i got my braces, i never did feel pain. Braces feel funny at 1st but, they'll feel normal within a week or so.

    -1.5-2.5 years is not forever, it goes by faster than you can imagine.  

  6. - if you clean the brackets, they won't turn yellow.

    -i don't think there is a best time to get them, because it is diffrent for everyone. you get braces when your orthidontist thinks its the best time for you

    -you will look even more attractive!

    -maybe, but i've had mine for 8 months and its gone by fast

    -well in the first 1/2 hour your top teeth won't start hurting, but your bottom teeth will in 5 minutes. you can eat almost anything, except for something really goey(unless you clean it soon)because it gets stuck.

    -stay away from things really hard too, like apples, because they are hard to eat. you will get a list of what you can and can't eat.

    -yea its ok, but i like to use aleeve. it works better for me

    -dont worry! they can be a pain in the butt at first, but you get used to them. i don't even feel mine right now!

  7. 1.idk

    2.kinda, im 13 but i got mine around last halloween

    3.well i guess pple who i know they have bf's and gf's w/ braces

    4.sometimes but aftr awhile it feels like there not there

    5.soft food the 1st 2 weeks then anything u want #5

    7.yeah its fine

    8.if u break a bracket or something call the orthindontist

  8. -they wont as long as you brush properly!

    -yes its a good time, i got mine 3 months before turning 14

    that way,for your senior year &  for your graduation you wont have them

    -no, its not! most people are used to see others with braces to its nothing that stands out very much anymore..well it might to your friends..and it will not make you less attractive..don't doesn't make a difference when you kiss!

    -its an ok time..i've had mine for 2 years and 3 months and i have another 9 months to 3 that's bad..but look at the bright will be worth it at the end..

    -jello, pudding, soup, smoothies, STARBUCKS! lasagna, spaghetti

    -those caramel candies, those little square ones!..those will make your brackets fall off easily..gum..chips..won't do anything..just be careful!

    -yes its fine..but the best thing is..COLD water! cold things work well.

    -make sure you get WAX, in case you brackets start to cut the inside of your can use the wax..ASK FOR IT!!

    anything else?

    ask me..

    i know how painful it is!!

  9. -- yes, unfortunately, the clear brackets do turn yellow. i got the metal ones.

    --Yeah its a perfect time to get them, i bet a bunch of people your age are getting them too about now.

    --yeah, you can still be attractive! braces actually make some people look better =) it also depends on what colors

    --no it'll go by quickly, and you'll get used to them!

    --well after a while you'll be able to eat regularly, but the first few weeks i'd suggest....just soft foods such as yogurt, applesauce, milkshakes, smoothies, ice cream!!, and stuff you don't really have to chew to hard.

    --hard candies that you'd chew. and sticky stuff. the first few weeks like i said, stay away from foods that are hard to chew.

    --yeah that's fine!

    --don't worry about it too much, they're pretty cool =) haha. good luck!!

  10. if the bracets are clear will they turn yellow, might i just got metal ones

    i got mine about 4 months ago and iam 14 1/2

    ya, if u dont take care of them and u eat somethin hard u can brak or losen one of them, miss understude question, ya my gf has them and she looks good

    no it doesnt seem like forever, u forget their there after a while

    i lived on soup for abot 2 weeks, it a great diet plan lol

    sticky and hard food

    ya its fine, but at the time i was having alot of dental work dont(bad teeth) and had a pricription for somtn alot stronger so i dint feel alot

    dont bump ur head or jaw on anything, it will hurt alot

  11. 1. I don't think they will, but they might.

    2. Yes. I was 13 when I got my braces, and now i'm almost 16 and i'm back in braces.

    3. Yes.

    4. When you're teeth hurt, it will seem like you will have them forever. Other than that no, because there are a lot of people getting braces at that age.

    5. You can pretty much eat everything.

    6. Stay away from sticky candy.

    7. Yes, it will become your best friend when you have braces.

    When you have braces, you might hate them. But just think of what your teeth are going to look like when you get your braces off.

  12. Questions and Answers:

    "I'm getting braces where the bracket is clear, but will these turn yellow?"

    Those only turn yellow if you do not take good care of your braces, but otherwise, you'll have nothing to worry about.

    "I'm 14, almost 15 (in about 3 months) is this a good time to get them?"

    It's good to get them now than any later because the growth of your body incredibly helps with the process.

    "I know, this is cliche, but is it possible to still come off as attractive with them?"

    That depends if your friends are a******s and don't like change, otherwise, they'll look great :P

    "Will 1.5 years - 2.5 years, seem like forever??"

    At times, such as after getting your wires tightened, it may seem so, but 90% They won't bother you a bit.

    "What foods can I eat? I know braces hurt as soon as they get put on for some people, so I was wondering...?"

    At first, they are not to hurt that much, but after a few hours, they start to ache, so it would be wise to take Tylenol afterwards.

    "What foods should I stay away from?"

    The Orthodontist will explain in more detail as to which specific foods you shouldn't eat, but basically anything hard or chewy is not recommended.

    "I use tylenol for medecine (well to kill the pain) but is this ok?"

    That is a perfect painkiller in this case because others sch as Advil inhibit the movement of your teeth, thus making the time that you have braces extend.

    "Just anything else you think I might need to know..."

    Only to try to feel self confident and be happy to have them.

    I hope it all works out for the best, good luck!
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