
Gettin into a fight wit a guy thats 6'4 i'm 5'7?

by  |  earlier

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This guy talks so much **** bout me behind my back nd has been spreadin rumors bout me nd i told him to stop nd he said fine then fihgt me so i cant ***** out so yea. but he is strong nd very tall (6'4), im only 5'7 but i know tha right fighting stance. im quick but i need like some tactics nd strategies to win.




  1. turn and walk away...............It's not worth it. If that doesn't work, always go for the nose first. Good luck.......Wear your Reebocks too.

  2. Wow. I can tell you to take him from the body. Hit him right in the liver and kidneys, then he's probably gonna bend down if you hit him hard enough. Then give him a uppercut.

    Even if you lose, give him a beating so he won't mess with you again.

  3. since he's got a lot of advantages (weight, size, strength, etc.) you're gonna have to level the playing field and fight dirty.

    aim for the body. get inside and wail on his ribs and liver. if you have to, punch that throat and then give him a new face. oh and fingers only bend one way.

    dirty tactics is frowned upon but hey, he's the BIGGER guy picking on the SMALLER guy. he deserves it for not picking on somebody his own size.

  4. Jump on his back and apply the RNC.

    Heres how its done

    Wrap you legs around his trunk so he cant roll you off.

    Draw your left forearm across his throat.

    Make sure the thumb of your left forearm is pointing towards you.

    Take your right arm and hook it around your left arm, then pull towards yourself. This will choke him out provided he is not an advanced BJJ practitioner.

  5. I'm also 5'7 and ive faught plenty of guys over 6ft . They have longer reach so just attack him fight him will be harder for him to hit u. Hit him on the gut hard.. Also aim for his throat. I have heavy hands so my body shots really hurts them. Dont put ur head down and dont close ur eyes when punching. Just move ur head  good luck!

  6. It does not matter how big you are its how you fight and what you bring to the table. give it your all and thats what matters maybe he'll leave you alone when he sees your not scared to battle him.

  7. We get this Q often enough in this section, invariably, the answer is:

    reading text on a computer screen will NOT help you win a fight.  Training in one of the many martial arts WILL help you win a fight.  What the weird realization is, once you know how to fight, the less you will need to fight.

  8. its not about the strength but strategy go for the body and block your head simple.

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