
Gettin more and more depressed every day :[

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Hey I'm 19 and very depressed.

IAt college i was generally ok... met new people and then met a gorgeous, girl. We went out for a year, best times of ma life, was so happy.

Then I went to uni at 18 (exactly a year ago) ... So we broke up after goin out for about a year, cos i went uni. She was the main thing of ma life, she was my everything, literrally, was absolutley mad about her. Since then I have been depressed probably most of the time. I dropped out of uni and got in loads of debt. I speak to her a fair bit, we have even tried going out again but she lives about an hour away on bus and shes alwaysss busy with jobs, college etc.

In all honestly im not an ugly guy or anythin and when im happy i no am a pretty funny guy... so y da h**l arnt i happy?

So yeh... feel lik i dont have many mates reli... and im not making any new ones becos im depressed.. i dont sleep at night i stay up till stupid hours... im constantly in a mood but try to hide it... its gettin pretty dangerous reli... i dnt reli wna be here any more :[

Have ABSOLUTELY nothin goin for me... except old memories of when i was happy, with her. I know i have to move on but its been a WHOLE year and i still havent... im still depressed with or without her...wot da h**l am i mena do :[




  1. You will get over it and not care about her anymore.

    Believe it happen to me and I cried over the d**n girl...after a while you will not even care for her anymore.

    Go find someone else that won't break up and will try to work things out with out givein up.

  2. you are the victim of confused thinking. yes you do have something going for you. you have a lot going for you. Your age, for one thing. How many people would love to be your age again?? Please see a doctor and get this under control before it gets any worse. You don't deserve to feel this unhappy. I wish you luck and success. Things will get better.  You just need a little assistance to get out of this slump you are in. I hope you are soon feeling better.  

  3. Everybody seems to think that it's good that society has gotten "more sophisticated" (more educated and technologically advanced) but in many ways things are worse for people.  Humans mature physiologically earlier now but "life" is postponed to later.  For example, a person may be physiologically ready for a mate/marriage at 14 but society wants people to get an advanced education that may postpone that until a masters degree is obtained and establishment in a career (age 25 to 30). That leaves 10 years +/- where a person is longing for a mate/relationship but are unable to do that unless they are independently wealthy. It sounds like you be getting "pinched" by this phenomenon. It also sounds like the best part of your life was your girlfriend.  Well, if you are not in school now what is preventing you from going to where she is and at least having that relationship ? You're not in school and unless you are locked into a career job - why not go to her and at least have that ONE good thing in your life ?  Not everyone is cut out for advanced degrees and professional careers and yet some people ARE cut out for a relationship with that one special person.  Right now you aren't working toward any of those. Pick one. If you pick her, go to her and tell her that, "You are the only good thing in my life, the only thing that makes me want to go on..... I want to be with you.  I may not have a great job or money and can't assure you of my future success, but I can promise you my love. Let's be together for better or for worse."  Commit to something - school, job, career preparation, or her. Commit your life to some purpose of YOUR choosing.

  4. I'm so glad you are talking about this.  You need to tell your story to lots of people who care about you so you can realize that you are lovable, you are cared about, and you can move on from this last relationship.  It sounds like you feel pretty hopeless right now.  I want to say (though it may not seem like it right now) that you DO have a future ahead of you.  God wants it to be a good one.  A year of depression is a long time.  Please seriously considering talking about this with a counselor.  It will take time but you will feel so much better.  You deserve to have a caring person in your life who you can tell everything to.  

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