
Getting A Cocketail?

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I need pros and cons to convince my parents for a cocktail.

and id theres any better bird you will like to mension.

i can only have small birds




  1. go to and type in cockatiel singing, cockatiel whistling, cockatiel talking.

    Here is a few that may convince your parents.

    I like green cheek conures too as they are the same size as cockatiels, very playful, learn to talk, do tricks....see the following link:

    Good luck

  2. Males typically are more noisy than females. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. The good thing is that it can be funny and entertaining. The bad thing is that he might do this at inopportune times, such as when you're trying to take a nap or want him to be quiet. (Although this can usually be solved by placing a cover over the cage.) The biggest negative about birds is that they can be very messy. It is impossible (due to their anatomy) to potty-train them. So if you let them out of their cage, you will have to clean up after them. The other thing is that they typically spread their seed all around their cage and on the bottom of the cage. If you aren't good about cleaning the cage, it will attract bugs and sometimes you can get moths that like the seed. They are very neat pets in that you can sometimes train them to immitate certain whistles (my old cockatiel could immitate sirens, people sneezing, and the telephone.) They can live up to 15 to 20 years old, so this a long-term commitment. We got ours when he was already an adult and he lived about 10 years after we had him, so he probably was around 15.

    P.S. One way you can tell if it's a male or female is that the male's cheeks are typically a brighter orange.

  3. If you get a good one he might talk or whistle tunes with you.

  4. i personaly love the cocatiel.there like a canary and a parrot combined.they have wonderful songs they can whistle and are very fun and affectionat.i would get a male they tend to be more entertaining a talkative.females are more likely not to talk are shy. cocatiels can be noisy and make loud squaks but thats not a typical thing yelling at them can sopport them to do it better not to punish them just give them a mean glare and say no!theres realy no cons agains cocatiel there simple easy to train and very fun!i would get a cocatiel from petsmart or a breeder.petsmart tames there birds.usualy local pet stores get them from careless breeders who just let the eggs hatch and let the parents do the rest.breeders you can find locally usualy  hand feed and tame there animals.make sure you give your cocatiel plenty of attention and atleast 3-5 toys and a large roomy cage.(on that there feathers dont touch when they stretch there wings).your parents should let you get a bird because its a responsibility to you and a fun to play and train.good luck with your tiel bye!

  5. umm cockatiels are really fun to play with especially if you get a tame one. they are really hard to tame though if you buy one untamed. though they are cheaper if they are untamed. if you dont get a cockatiel you should get a lovebird. they are fun colorful and a lot smaller than a cockatiel. they are also parrot like birds and have hook bills as well as cockatiels. but cockatiels sing beautifully well some do. lovebirds just make a lot of noises. but they are both good birds.

  6. Pros: 'tiels are a bit smarter than parakeets, and they have a longer average lifespan. They are also a bit bigger and so don't seem quite as fragile as a tiny parakeet. Not all 'tiels learn to talk but even the ones that don't are quite fond of whistling, and can learn tunes.

    Cons: being bigger birds they require larger (=more expensive) cages, the birds themselves are more expensive; they are also louder screamers and more prone to developing screaming problems, such as excessive screaming/screaming for attention. Compared to parakeets, that is; lovebirds are even louder.
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