
Getting A Tetunus Shot

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Im getting a tetunus shot soon and I have alot of anixiety about it, i got a chicken pox booster shot about 3 or 4 months ago and i think it went by pretty fine but i still want to know does it really hurt to get a tetunus shot?, and how long do they keep the needle in last time it was 10 sec., thank you




  1. The tetanus shot doesn't hurt.  It's a bit uncomfortable but not anything unbearable.  It will make your arm sore for a few days but once again nothing unbearable.  I get one every five or seven years.  You'll be fine.

  2. I just had one in Feb, when I had to get stitches.  The shot itself was not painful.  Afterward it gets sore and achy.  Take some Tylenol right away, that should help any soreness,

  3. The tetanus shot kind of hurts. Most people say it's the most painful shot to get, but it's not even that bad. It feels like any other shot, in my opinion.

    The most painful shot I've ever gotten was my second Hepatitis B shot... but I think it was because the nurse was being a ***** about it.

  4. I'm a mom in her '50's and I got my last tetanus shot at my daughter's pediatrician's office, when she got hers.That was about two months ago.  It was in my arm and I barely felt it.  When I had them as a kid they seemed to be more sore but nothing I couldn't tolerate.  I think you should not go swimming for a day after, I forget why, but it certainly did not take 10 minutes.  The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.  :)

  5. Usually in the arm shot. As long as you take a deep breath and relax/blow it out when they say "now" it is easiest and less painful. They hurt when you are tense, becuz muscles are tighter.

    Hep is in the hip. You're supposed to bend over desk and let leg hang loose... won't even feel it. I had hep when I was 12 from bad seafood...
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