
Getting Back Into It?

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I used to swim competitivley, I stopped for about 5 years and now I want to start swimming again. not for a club but to keep fit. Basically in the time from not swimming to now, I have gained some weight (Womanly curves) as I went from being 15 to being 20.

Now I want to keep myself toned but not lsoe the weight, when i was swimming I was quite skinny, I just want to keep toned. What exercise plan would suit this? Is swimming the best way?




  1. I would say that weight lifting would probably suit you better if you want to get toned. Obviously there are different types of sets with swimming that will not make you lose the weight as much as the others (sprint work and Max V02 sets).

    I would say if your goals is to get toned weight lifting is the way to go. If you enjoy swimming and at the same time want to keep fit then go for it.

  2. Yes swimming is the way too go! I have always swam for teams but when i stopped when ,my school season was over , i saw that my pants size started to climb! But in other words swim is a total work out of the body and it can be fun. It works just about every single muscle. Good luck

  3. Yep, swimming is the best toner ever
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