
Getting Discus Fish.......

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What kind of sand should I get? (I know you can keep them in bare bottom tanks but I want sand!)

What do they eat?

I basically know what they eat, I just want other suggestion....

Are live plants good with them?




  1. oh my, if you're asking these kinds of questions, I STRONGLY recommend you delay getting the discus. It will save you a BUNCH of money.  You need to do some serious reading up on keeping discus, on how to feed them and the quality of water they need.

    Please, do not respond with "I know what I'm doing".  

    Good luck.

    Onyx sand is nice, by the way.  And they tend to like beef heart.

    EDIT: They always do know what they're doing.  Next week, the question will be "Help, my $60 discus is swimming upside down!".

  2. Tubifix worms are good for them but to much can give them hole in the head disease, flakes, frozen shrimp and Small pellets. Swords plants are great, they love cove. Soft water low ph and not a lot of traffic by their tank. Very shy fish and a hard fish to raise but well worth it.

  3. I have and breed discus they do well in planted tanks as you can see at my 360 doing planted I wouldn't use sand get a good substrate like florite for plants

    for feeding use frozen blood worms,frozen tubaflex worms,frozen brine shrimp ,and frozen myisis shrimp and a cichlid flake food for the vegies

    you should also look up discus black plague and keep the meds on hand in case you need them for this

    also they like something like drift wood to hide under

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