
Getting Hit In The Back, 30 Weeks pregnant!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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The boy Im pregnant by we got into a fight, we broke up and hit swung back his hand and hit me in my back real hard, I was wondering if anything is wrong!!! Im still feeling the baby kick...




  1. Please get to the ER...  Yes feeling the baby move is a good sign, however any impact and you have to worry about placental abruption, and other damage to the uterus and placenta..  I was just hospitalized for a few days over a fall I took, and it was minor.

    Also, possible get away from this guy??  He SHOULD not be putting his hands on you, I don't give a rats behind what his excuse is..  If he's hitting you, especially pregnant..  Do you think your child is safe once he/she is born??  NO!!  Please get away from this dude.

  2. i would press charges against his sorry***.no man should hit a woman, especially if she is pregnant.if concerned then you should go to the hospital to get checked out.

  3. Go to the doctor now. I don't think the baby will have anything wrong  but you need to get checked out for sure. I think you better stay away from him and find a safe place to live. I think things would be fine but go find out and be safe. If anything it might make you go in to early labor, but don't worry the baby is big enough to survive if born now.

  4. you should be fine especially since it wasn't in the stomach. your baby is very protected. however, your first motive should be to go somewhere safe, preferably somewhere where your ex doesn't know where you are.

  5. Are you in really bad pain??? If ur in pain that's so so so so bad you cant handle it you should go get checked out.

  6. Call the cops!!! the baby is probably just upset

  7. Yes, it's wrong.  But you should be fine and as long as you keep feeling the baby moving, the baby should be fine as well.  Leave this "boy" and keep him away from your baby as well.

  8. What's "wrong" is that your boyfriend is obviously abusive...But trust me, your baby is probably fine.  

  9. you should go to the er if he is a *** like that you don't want him to be around you or your baby YOU NEED TO START A PAPER TRAIL just in case after the baby is born he wants to fight you for custody

    i hope you and the baby are fine  

  10. the police and press charges against him for endangering you and your unborn child

  11. What is wrong is this "boy". Physical abuse is unacceptable. He has crossed the line, and once someone hits it is a bad sign. You and your child deserve better.-take care

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