
Getting Kentucky Derby tickets??

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I really want to go to the Derby next year, and my parents said they would go and everything because they know how much it means to me to go to it; but I do not know where or how to get the tickets; or what kind!

We want seats where we can see the race pretty good, be outside, and still have the tickets at a fair price. For sure NOT the infield though.

So if you have been to the Derby and know where I could get some tickets (quickly), please tell me! Because this would be my first time at the Derby and I want a pretty good view of the horses and the race.

Thanks a lot!!!




  1. The first answerer is correct, Mel- you need to log onto Churchill Downs' website and click the links for ticket information- and you need to do this ASAP, because tickets for the Derby sell out a year or more in advance of each race. If you can do this, try to get seats or a place in the grandstand, as opposed to the infield- you'll get a much better view of the actual race that way, and you won't have to deal with the people who are only there to party and engage in the obnoxious behavior this track is notorious for. Also, since you are from Wisconsin and will need to stay overnight ( or possibly for a few days) in the Louisville area, you need to book your hotel room(s) ASAP as well, so you can find a place to stay that's close to the track. Depending on how your parents want to travel, you may also want to look into getting airplane tickets to Louisville. All of this needs to be done fairly quickly, because like the race tickets, the hotel rooms fill up fast- and the quicker you do this, the better your chances of finding a place to stay that you like and that is convienient to where you want to be.

    You may also decide that you want to make a trip through some of the rest of the Bluegrass country, and perhaps visit Lexington, where the Kentucky Horse Park is. This facility is going to be where the World Equestrian Games are going to be held in the early fall of 2010- the United States won the right to host the Games in the late fall of 2005. ( We have David O'Connor, our USEF president, and his associate, John Long, the former director of Churchill Downs, to thank for that.) This is the first time these Games will be held outside of Europe, where they originated. There are 7 sports included in them, and the World Championships will be decided in all 7. It might be a neat thing for you to get to see the venues where some of these sports will be contested- and I know you will enjoy the Kentucky Horse Park itself. There are also multiple farms around Lexington- and many of them give tours by appointment. So I would check that out as well. Finally, Lousiville itself offers a lot more than just the race- there are numerous other attractions in the area, and the city plays host to an entire WEEK of special events leading up to the Derby. One of the more popular ones, in fact, is the Balloon Festival. Have you ever gone up in a hot air balloon? If not, maybe you should check this out.

    Good luck in your search for tickets.

  2. Girl, I tell you if you want good seats like right by the finish they cost like $400! I am not even kidding! If you are all the way down by the gate those tickets cost approximately $200! You can get general admission tickets for $20 but if you sit there you can barely see the race. I want to go to the Derby but my parents won't let me because of the pricing. But if you are willing to pay all that money then you can go on ticket master and they have them. But I dont think anyone is selling tickets yet. But my best advice is that if you can't get good seats stay home but if you can GO!


  4. Curchill Downs has their own website and I would go there.  You can type in and that should get you to their home page.  Also, Ticketmaster has tickets to the Derby and you   can also order those online.

  5. here is the official website - apparently they go the extra mile and wrap you hotel in with it - so no quotes on 'site'

    and if you don't like this area - other areas on the right hand (sorta) column

    all the best

  6. Unless you know prepared to spend thousands of dollars on the tickets. Then go to Also, the finish line is the most expensive place to sit. The starting gates are less expensive, but the infield is fun and the only really affordable option.

  7. good luck on getting cheap tickets i been in louisville 20 yrs and now days the cheap tix are at least 200.00 to see the race

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