
Getting MARRIED in May. HAIR QUESTION. (not what you think)?

by Guest31744  |  earlier

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is there a certain way that i should have my pubic hair on my wedding night? should i wax it? or shave it?

if i do just shave it, are there like different "styles" that i can do it? how much should i do? what do you do?

i am being serious by the way....




  1. Just shave it all off.

    or if you can, wax it.

  2. Most men I know prefer shaved or waxed, out of the two I would say wax it. It lasts way longer and its more smooth. When you shave it will be prickly the next day. I wouldn't do  "styles" or anything I personally think that's just going a little to far, when you go to get it professionally wax (don't do it at home!!!) they have different types they do they are....

    American waxing- removal of hair at the top of the thighs and just under the navel. It is also known as a basic bikini wax.

    French waxing -leaves a vertical strip in front (a landing strip), two to three finger-widths in length just above the v***a.

    Brazilian waxing- refers to a removal of everything, removal of hair from the buttocks and adjacent to the a**s, perineum and v***a (labia majora and mons pubis).

    the lady waxing could go into more detail for you.

  3. Brazilian wax! Painful, but worth it. Good luck and congrats!

  4. Wax it

  5. Well what does your fiance like? Just ask him.

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