
Getting MARRIED in May. HAIR question. Not what you think...?

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is there a certain way that i should have my pubic hair on my wedding night? should i wax it? or shave it?

if i do just shave it, are there like different "styles" that i can do it? how much should i do? what do you do?

i am being serious by the way....




  1. Get it waxed professionally into a wedding bell.  I'm serious too.

  2. i would just get it waxed, that is best probably so you don't have strays. but thats just me.

  3. i would def. go with the wax.

    it will hurt like crazy but you wont have like the stray hair and all that jazzz

  4. you should go to a waxing professional or be very careful when you wax yourself especially if first time.  Waxing will let your pubes grow slower than if you were to shave it, make sure if you do wax it yourself waz it the same way or direction that your hair is growing, and pull/rip out upwards.  Wax all of your pubes out, be cautious with the hair on your labia(the side of your p***y/its lips)  Good luck,have fun! :)

  5. well if you want a guys advice, which you may or may not. I perfer to have it all waxed, for one if a guy  is  down there and he finds hairs  all over, he might stop what hes doing... and a wax is better, takes longer to grow back and when it does it will grow back less an less, slower and slower. for the designs well wedding bells sounds good,however unless your going to be looking at your self in the mirror i dont think guys really care, (or most guys) sorry.

  6. wax it because u don't want it to grow back and it be all spiky u know??

    hope u have fun!!!!

  7. I would go get it waxed. You dont have to put as much matinees into it as shaving.

  8. I would just shave it. Waxing is expensive, irritates the skin, etc. Shaving is definitely my preferred hair removal method. But if you don't know what your fiance would like, you should just ask him. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to fill you in on what he would like.

    When in doubt, do what you are most comfortable with. You can always trim the hair down with a pair of scissors and just shave the bikini line. Or you can shave it all off (I would still recommend trimming it before you shave so that you're dealing with less hair). Use a good razor such as Gillette Venus, and make sure the blades are relatively fresh. For those who complain of itching, it only itches when you grow the hair back (if you chose to do so). Do what makes you feel s**y and confident!

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