
Getting Off BIrth Control, How long till pregnancy?

by Guest66810  |  earlier

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My and mu huband are trying for number two, our son is 16 months old i have been on Ortho try cyclen Lo for about 14 months and not going to start it today(i dont think) Anyone do the same thing Sort of , how long did it take for you to get pregnant after getting off the pill? Just wondering if its possible the month right after you stop, Anyone taking ortho lo plez awnser =) Thanks




  1. I stopped taking the pill and caught about 5 days later.  My doctor said its very common to catch straight off the pill because of the hormone changes. Good luck.

  2. I'm hoping our chances are good :] I'm in the same boat and am now 7dpo so around 7 days until I know for sure the answer to this question! I've been on Microgynon for a little over 2 years now and stopped this month in the hope to conceive #1.

    Of course, whether you get pregnant each cycle or not is dependant on a number of factors including your own health, hubby's health and lifestyle habits [cut out drinking and smoking if this is an issue] and of course, timing of babydancing! Make sure if you don't want to chart your CM or BBT that you have a rough idea of when to do the 'deed' :] Online ovulation calendars have been useful for me this month and I intend to continue using them if we've been unsucessful this time around.

  3. my friend got pregnant within two weeks of getting off bc. so good luck to you

  4. Depends on the guy. ...

    Trust me.

  5. It is possible. I got pregnant while ON tri cyclen!  It takes most women an average of 6 months to become pregnant once stopping the pill...(nothing to do with the pill so much as much as luck) but sooner is possible.

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