
Getting Over The Common Cold?

by Guest56029  |  earlier

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Approximately how long does it take the average teenager to get over the common cold, assuming they are still going to school and doing the same activities they've been doing even before they got their cold?




  1. If you can, try cutting out some "extras" from your schedule, especially if they are physically taxing. While its generally not a good thing to take a lot of time off from work or school, if you aren't feeling productive, its probably best to stay home and relax. Even though, if symptoms are above the neck only, a little exercise can get your metabolism and immune system working, and the cardio can clear your nose.

    Take lots of vitamins. Vitamin C is excellent at boosting the immune system. (However, if you just take vitamin pills, your body cannot use them without some other trace elements. Instead of getting vitamin C from pills, try oranges or lemons.)

    As soon as noticing the onset of cold symptoms (usually starting with a sore throat and/or runny nose) take an antihistamine to minimize mucus flow, sneezing, and coughing which can cause the virus to spread within the body much more quickly, initially overwhelming the immune system response, prolonging the sickness and its severity. Slowing down the initial spread of the virus, will give the body more time to develop resistance and fight off the intrusion, likely reducing the time of sickness and its severity.

    When your symptoms are at their worst, try an over-the-counter cold remedy eg. Cold-Eeze or Emergen-C. If the symptoms are really bad, try an OTC medicine for a couple of days.

    Make sure you are taking care of yourself: eating well, drinking plenty of fluids (especially water), and sleeping enough. Again, avoid really physically taxing activities!

    If you have to go to school/work or be around people, make sure you are doing your part to help keep them from catching the cold. Avoid close contact and sharing of utensils, and definitely wash your hands after sneezing/coughing/blowing your nose.

    If you still aren't feeling well in week, you develop a fever, or your symptoms worsen, consider seeing a doctor. You may have something worse than a cold.

  2. It really depends. I take two weeks to get over a cold. Some people only take a couple days. It will definitely help you to make sure you drink a lot of fluids and get extra sleep.

    I am also in love with Zicam, it's the best $10 I've ever spent. You have to take it as soon as you notice symptoms of a cold, but it really shortens the cold a ton.

  3. The common cold can last anywhere between 7-14 days. You are contagious for 3 weeks- the time before symptoms show up and a little after.

    There are medication that claim they can cut the common cold, but once it starts it usually has to run it's course. Occasionally you can cut it by a day or two, but not worth it to put all that junk in your body. Just try to find things to make you comfortable while your body fights it off.  

  4. 7- 14 dys  Drinks lots of fluids,  Eat healthy even if you dont feel like it, get extra rest,  dont over do it.  Cut back when you can on extra activities.

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