I have the clear Essix retainer (I guess my dentist was trying to be cheap) for 5 years. For those of you who know about it, or had it, you know it isn't very durable even with normal use. It gets random mineral build ups and gets pretty gross. The back where the molar are gets a bit cracked.
I stopped wearing them for 2 month, but looks like my teeth are shifting (thanks to the growing wisdom teeth). I won't have time to get my wisdom teeth pulled out for another few month since I won't be around because of college. So I am wearing my retainers again. However, they are a bit cracked and disgusting. I want to get the wire kind retainers because they last a LOT longer and won't get as disgusting. I don't really mind wearing retainers for like the rest of my life at night just to keep my teeth straight, they don't bother me.
I have Delta Dental, I know they know don't cover lost retainers, but I don't know.... this is normal use, not my fault that the retainer's life isn't that great.
Is there anyway I can get it covered? If not, approximately how much would it cost me out of the pocket?