
Getting Rid Of "It"?

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Im an underage girl and I want to get rid of my child without going through abortion nor adoption. I know this may sound unbelievably selfish but I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of the baby. The the adoption center around my place are extremely harsh and strict. If my parents were to find out they would disown me(I know because I asked them once) so I cant go to them plus I don't have any money. Please tell me a way to get rid of "it"




  1. Hon, it's not an it. From the second a child is conceived it's a baby. Tell your parents there in no "self-way" to get an abortion. Really I work in a children's home and see what happens to the kids when it's an unwanted pregnancy. It's a sad sight. There are things you can try but there is a very good chance they won't work and could really hurt you as well. There are all kinds of mother's homes and is you do consider adoption some adoptive parents will pay all expenses, including living and medical. Tell your parents, they may react different then you think you never know. If they do then there are many options.

  2. Why don't you just get rid of yourself.. then you won't have to worry about "it". DISGUSTING!

  3. Call 1-800-395-HELP.  They're very caring and can help you find non-judgmental services in your area, including prenatal care and adoption.  If you don't like the adoption agency you're working with now, go elsewhere!  They have no right to give you a hard time.

    <3 Kelsey

  4. you need to talk with your parents...if they do disown you which I highly doubt they will no harm done because they are heartless inhuman apes, but the alternative is they help you with great love.  you need the best help you can get not Y!A to help you.  If you know a pastor ask her/him to help you as well.  good luck to you andyour child.  All life is precious.

  5. it is a him or a her and it is alive

    there is something called a safe haven law

    in the continental united states (i dont know about other countries) you can take a newborn baby to any hospital, police department, or fire station and leave it there completely anonymously and they will take care of the entire adoption procedure

    you will never have to see "it" again

    and you wont have the responsibility

    im sure you have some family or friend (or maybe the babay's father?) that can take you in

    now listen to this song, when i heard it, i was sure i would never consider abortion

  6. your baby isn't a "it". if your underage first off you shouldn't be having s*x exspecially without protection. you said real immature how you gone get rid of a baby if not through abortion or adoption? you should of thought about that before ******* grown *** your parents need to beat your *** and send you to school belly and all

  7. don't refer a human being to the word IT. That's truely disrespectful.

  8. Time to grow up. Maybe your parents should have gotten rid of you instead.  Have the baby and go to the adoption center. Theyre extremely harsh and strict?? Oh well lets just cry about it and complain about how hard life is.  Grow up. If you cant take care of the child, put it up for adoption so someone else can.

  9. If you go through with the birth, you can take the baby to the ER or the fire department, and leave it there. Just walk up and put it on the desk. and walk away. They will not ask questions, and its perfectly fine. The child will never know, and they then take procedures to set the child up for adoption. You do not have to deal with it. Its called a "safe haven" I think. I saw it on the sign at my ER, a few days ago. I have always known about this. You should just get an abortion though. So you do not have to go through the process of pregnancy and birth.  I thought Planned Parenthood did abortions. I know they have one near your area. Go there anyway if its early enough, they have an abortion pill.  GO TO Planned Parenthood please and ask questions, they will help, and they do not ask questions that are personal only medical. Good Luck. OH and while your at planned parenthood, get condoms and birth control... USE protection next time so this does not happen again...

  10. So basically you want us to tell you some inhumane way to murder your baby and possibly hurt you in the process so that you don't have to tell your parents that you're pregnant? Grow up!

  11. There is no home remedy for self-induced abortion.  And your baby is not an "it."  You need to tell your parents.  Yes, they'll be uspet and things will be really tense but if you are under 18, they are legally responsible for you and can't kick you out.  It might be very unpleasant to be around them but you should have thought about the consequences before getting pregnant.  Now you need to own up to your actions.  You were "adult" enough to have s*x.  Be adult enough to deal with the reprecutions.

  12. What you are wanting is impossible.  You're pregnant and now you are going to have to deal with the consequences.  You really need to tell your Mom.  I know it will be hard, but that's what you have to do.  They cannot disown you for getting pregnant.  They'll be upset, but after the initial shock, they'll help you.  You'll have to decide if your going to keep the baby or give it up for adoption.  If you don't want the baby, you can leave it at the hospital and they will place the baby for adoption.

  13. Sorry, but you cannot turn back the clock. You are pregnant and you must deal with that fact. First, take care of your health. Start eating only healthy food and don't drink or do drugs or do anything that can hurt you. Next, if you cannot go to your parents, seek help from another trusted adult or counselor.  Do NOT go to pregnancy counseling centers who are going to guilt you.  

    It is time to be mature.  What you decide to do with this pregnancy is your decision, which you have to live with.  No answer is easy. Many people will try to make the decision for you, but you are the one that has to live with it. And you will live with it for the rest of your life, no matter what you decide.

    As I see it, you only have a few options:

    1)  Get an abortion.

    2)  Keep the baby.

    3)  Have the baby and put it up for adoption.

    4)  Have the baby and take it anonymously to the hospital under the Safe Haven law.  

    Which of these options are you willing to live with? What is your personal conscience? Any way you choose, please remember to live healthily, even if you choose option number 1.  (You may change your mind, and then, where would you be?)  Plus, remember, even if you aren't going to raise the baby but, instead, put it up for adoption, the baby deserves a good start in life.  That means eating well, getting good nutrition, no substance abuse, and getting prenatal care.  

    Also, don't listen when people here put you down. I understand that you are scared, but if you think it through you will do what's right for you in the end.  Good luck and God bless.

  14. You should have thought about the risk before you went to have unprotected fun.  Now, your baby is there in your womb, and you have to face that fact that you have to come to your d**n senses and grasp realities that what you are referring "It" is a human being.  In spite of him not worthy to have you as a mother, for thinking of getting rid of him.  Your parents are still the best people who could help you on this.

    Pregnancy can literally put your one foot on the grave, and so is your baby.  If your have been stupid most of the time in your life, then rise to the occasion to change and God d**n Grow the h**l UP! And face what ever your parents throw at you.  Your baby even so tiny have a life, have yourself undergo ultrasound, and see for your own eyes how his tiny heart beat pumps and your soul will melt in shame for thinking of getting him rid off without a blink of an eye.

  15. Safe Haven Baby Law.....allows you to leave a newborn (up to a month old)  at any hospital or fire station....NO QUESTIONS ASKED! And no one...including your parents has to ever know.

  16. first of all it's a baby,

    not it

    second your parents will not disown you they will understand

    that you need them, it is after all their grand child

    thirdly do not make the decision to take your child's life on your own everything will be ok eventually

  17. You say the adoption centre is very harsh, but then again you say you don't want your parents to find out. So basically it's saving your pathetic self. Well let me tell you something, it's not about you, but about a human being growing inside of you!

    If you are old enough to spread your legs, at least be wise enough to tell your parents. Let them advice or tell you what to do, because it's obvious you were waaaaay back in line when God gave us brains.

    If you won't follow any advice, please keep this in mind: there is no other way than abortion and adoption to 'get rid of it'. Don't go drinking and eating funny things to get rid of the baby, because that can also be bad for you!

  18. read your question to yourself. You want to get rid of your child without going through an abortion or an adoption, do you realize that is impossible?

    tell your parents, no matter how harsh they are, im sure they still have a heart. You dont want your parents to find out, you do know your belly will grow right?

  19. of all the times i've heard "i won't be able to take care of the baby" . . . listen, dear. you've made your choice and there's no way of going back. i know you understand this, now you need to understand something else. the fetus may not be a human to you or alive, but it is a living being and it is a part of you. could you possibly live with the idea - the feeling - the torture - of KILLING this being? if abortion were an option many many many years ago at the rate that it is today, i could promise you that there'd be many of us not standing here. granted, we'd be in luck without the idiots in the world (not naming any politicians), but seriously. think about it - you are either the lifegiver, or the executioner.

    as far as your parents "disowning you" - you obviously don't trust your parents; you are too consumed with the fear and consequences. you stepped onto that path, you must continue walking. there are no exits, no free passes with this. if you trust your parents, and you tell them this, if you trust your parents, you will be able to make the right decision and not something based on fear. you should count on them for as much support as possible.

    you think i was ready to be pregnant? even at age 29 i wasn't! many people don't think that being mentally ready is key when having a baby, but it is. it is because if you are not mentally ready, you cannot adjust and you will be stuck in the mud and that will effect you and your baby.

    thing is, dear, you say that you wont be able to take care of the baby. i don't see it that way. you have two arms to hold the child and protect it and you have support - either from your parents or friends or relatives. there is no easy way out of it, though it was REAL easy getting in.

    the choice is yours.

  20. First of all, "it" is a living being, a child that has every right to come into this world.  You made the choice to be unsafe and now there are some decisions that must be made.  You can not avoid both abortion and adoption....that's impossible.  I sincerely hope that you choose the adoption route as there are so many families that want nothing more than to love and care for a child.
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