
Getting Sore?

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today, we had a MAJOR quad and calve workout in volleyball. Our legs were shaking and giving out from underneath us. It doesn't take a genius to know that we're gonna be sore tomorrow. What can I do to make it less sore?




  1. start off with a really hot shower and strech while it's super hot then turn the water down so it's really cold and strech again then make it warm again and sounds ridiculous but it really helps

  2. Yes ice will help but also you should drink and eat carbs that will help but you'll have some soreness .

  3. Keep stretching your muscles, you don't want them to tighten up. A cold or hot bath works for me, while I massage my muscles, before you go to bed stretch some more, and take some tylenol or advil, drink plenty of water and get some sleep. When you get up in the morning stretch again.

  4. What D-Rok said ,

    But if you don't want to be freezing , just fill it up so it's just over your legs, stay in for about 15 minutes

    When you get out , get a hot water bottle / heating pad / etc. and lay it on your quads.

    As for your calves , stretch them , that's really all you can do , it will still be kind of sore tomorrow , but in the morning stretch them , so they will be ready for the day.

    Hope this helps !

  5. take an ice bath it helps and then just try not to do anything strenuous on them

  6. stretch and also...there is some spray on things for sore muscles that you can get at almost any sports store...including: ***** sporting goods, sports world, and maybe even walmart or stores like that...=] that works really well. make sure not just to spray it on but rub it in good. becuz it doesnt work otherwise.

  7. Stretch those muscles a little bit (about 3-5 minutes or so...)every hour before you go to bed.

  8. 2 is cold but it feels really good and use a heating pad right after.  You could also use biofreeze...that stuff is amazing.

  9. Drink LOTS of water.

    Muscle soreness and stiffness comes from a lot of different things.  One of them being the build up of lactic acid.  Drinking a lot of water will flush out that lactic acid, thus reducing the amount of soreness and stiffness the next day.  Some good old fashion ibuprofen will also take away some of the pain.

    Good luck!!

  10. stretch A LOT. and icyhot or ice then a heating pad.

  11. yoga, a nice bath, some advil, and plenty of water and sleep!

  12. eating bananas has a positive affect on muscle cramping and fatigue.  it will work.  Also stretch before and after your workouts.

  13. well, for next time, here is a trick runners use after doing a long run. sit against a wall, except, your feet should be in the air and your back on the ground. "Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS) often occurs 24 – 48 hours after an intense workout.  The principal cause is muscle and connective tissue damage.  Accompanying the tissue damage, you will get tissue edema (fluid build up).  This fluid build up stimulates free nerve endings throughout the muscles, this stimulation is transmitted as a pain signal to the brain." this is why you drain your legs

    before your workout, eat a banana for the potassium. potassium helps curb the build up of fluid. it helps to keep you from getting sore. stretching is also really important. it keeps your muscles from cramping up, and if done properly, can increase your flexibility. icing works some what, but it only removes the pain and curbs swelling. the best path is though "active recovery", which is a light workout to restore blood flow to the sore areas. this flushes the muscle with oxygen, nutrients and blood, and also removes built up waste products like carbon dioxide. eating a high protein diet also helps curb soreness. wait a week before working the same muscles again, this allows them time to recover properly.
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