
Getting Spacers in 3 Days? (Braces in 10 Days)?

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Well, I am kind of nervous. I have looked up information online, but they didn't really help me so much.

So please, please, please give me very detailed stories and facts! Tell me everything you know I'll give you Best Answer!

Also, does spacers o braces hurt more?

What is the process of putting them each on?

On a scale of 1/10 (10 being worst) how is the pain in spacers/braces?


By the way, I love seeing really long paragraphs! Long stories, please!




  1. I just got my braces off in december, so i'll fill you in as much as i can.

    If I remember correctly, spacers hurt a lot more than braces. Mainly because your teeth are moving farther in a shorter amount of time.  I'll be honest with you, spacers are horrible.  It's not really the pain, it's the discomfort of having them jammed between your teeth.  As my orthodontist put it, it's like having a chunk of food stuck in your teeth and you can't get it out.  I didn't eat anything but applesauce and pudding while I had my spacers.  Solid foods were just too painful. Sorry. :-/

    As far as the process of putting on your braces, it's not really painful.  However, it is uncomfortable.  It took about 45 minutes to put mine on, but it felt like hours.  It's just really awkward having someone's hands stuck in your mouth for nearly on hour.  But you do feel relieved once they are done.

    You should get them tightened about every six weeks.  These appointments usually take around 30 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes a little bit less. It just depends on what they are doing (bending wires, adding hooks, etc.).  This usually doesn't hurt too bad unless your teeth are a little sore from the last appointment.  After your visit, you usually experience some sort of pain.  Sometimes you can hardly even feel anything and sometimes it hurts so bad you get a headache.  But don't worry! The pain goes away in a few days. and tylenol or advil help a lot too.

    So there will be pain, but it is definitely worth it!  When you get them removed (which is a very quick, easy, and painless process), you will be so pleased. It'll probably be one of the happiest days of your life thusfar, at least it was for me.

    I hope I was able to answer at least some of your questions.

  2. For me, spacers were a 9 while braces were a 2. If you can bear a week of spacers... you'll be perfectly fine. Also, for 99% of my treatment the pain was just a dull, persistent ache, and not sharp, stabbing pain.

    For me spacers were my only issue. They were little blue elastics that they put on a metal appliance that just stretched them out so that they were thin enough to squeeze between my back teeth. Most people said that by the end of the week they were fine, if you're like me, your mouth could end up hurting the whole week. If you move your jaw back and fourth they make a cool sound, but DO NOT grind your teeth back and fourth, it makes it hurt a lot more.

    Braces will only really hurt for a few days, and then for a few hours after each adjustment. When they put them on, they find a band that will fit on your back teeth and then they slide them on. If your mouth still hurts from spacers it kinda sucks a little, but it's bearable. Once they're on, they clean the fronts of your teeth and dry them so that they can glue the brackets on. Some people get all their brackets on, but I only had the first four of my top teeth, and then got all of them on at a later time. I think it depends on your orthodontist/mouth. Adjustments feel like the wire is putting pressure against your teeth, and then after a few days your teeth feel nice and loose again. Since your gums are being forced to do things, they will be soft, your teeth may feel a little wiggly, but as long as you don't try and wiggle them like a little kid, they will stay in place.

    Also, if you ever have a broken bracket/band/anything, get it fixed ASAP, waiting could delay their removal by a few weeks or even months! As long as you cooperate, the braces will be off before you know it. I know everyone and their mother will tell you this, but wear your retainer and your elastics exactly the way they tell you. If you don't wear your retainer, your mouth will just go back to the way it is right now. If you don't wear your elastics, your jaw and teeth won't straighten the way they're supposed to, and that will delay the day you finally get them off.

    So relax, the end result is 100% worth any pain you could experience. =D

  3. Spacers hurt most. They're this little rubber bands things that go between your molars for your molar bands. They hurt A LOT. I couldn't eat anything for almost a week. I lost about 15 pounds that week. Thats how bad it got. They just pop the spacers in with floss. You do feel pressure...a lot. They're blue and really small. They'll hurt the minute they put them in. The pain for me was 100/10.Braces didn't hurt for me. It was a long process but it didn't hurt. Most people say it hurt a lot, but it didn't hurt for me. It did feel like it was pulling my teeth. But it didn't hurt. They take out the spacers and put the molar bands in. The molar bands are a perfect fit on your teeth. They glue it with this nasty stuff(Its supposed to be cherry) and they don't budge after it dries. They glue the brackets on one by one to your teeth. You've probably seen this blue light thing to make the glue act fast. Then they put the wire in. They'll teach you how to brush, floss etc with your braces. For me the pain was very low the first day. The next day at school, I could not bite down on ANYTHING. I had to wait until I got home to eat oatmeal. It went away after 3-4 days. Good luck with your braces. In the end you'll have beautiful teeth!

  4. ok so ive had braces for 4 years

    i got spacers at first all they do is wiggle tiny little rubberbands in between you teeth its just a little bit of pressure but after they move alittle you wont feel them id say 4/10 for pain

    then you get your braces. they just glue the brackets on and put the wire in. tht doesn't hurt but a few days [maybe even a week] your teeth and gums will be hurting really horribly. take some pain meds before you even go to help a little then take again later. as for pain 9/10 but just for a while.

    good luck and its worth it :]

  5. Spacers hurt for the first 3 days. Eat jello, pasta, and other soft foods. Take a few advils a day. ( I did morning noon and night) I just got my braces on Monday. Just remember the spacers hurt way more than braces. Spacers are about a 7 for the first few days and later on you forget you have them.

    Braces hurt the first few days. Mine still hurt kinda now because teeth are moving. While they are being put on your mouth is sooooo dry. They use this glue that tastes really bad. Your mouth is being held open by this mouthpiece thing. They let you get water in between things that are being done. (Put on some lip gloss before you get them). Remember to eat a big meal before you get them and drink a lot of water. For a few days you will feel a pressure like somebody has a string and i pulling all of your teeth together. It is not that bad. The worst part is getting food stuck in them so brush or flush your mouth out with water after you eat. 4 on the pain scale. (oh yeah when they are tightened it feels like it does when you first get them because your mouth adjusts to the pain) my friend told me that she has had them for 3 years.

    Just remember, getting braces is not really a big deal. You just have to watch what you eat (usually healthier food), brush more often (we all need it), and it teaches you responsibility. It is a learning experience. Braces are an investment for the future.

    I'm 12 and if you need anymore help you can email me or whatever. Oh yeah the braces procedure (putting them on) is not that bad. Ask if you can bring your mp3 player though.

  6. Spacers hurt

    When they make them bigger you may be in 10 pain or less depending on how much.

    Just don't think about it to much

    Braces aren't as bad but the pain will only happen when they are tightened.

  7. It only takes a few minutes to put the spacers in, but they hurt like h**l.  Luckily, that only lasts for a few days.  The braces take longer to put on, but only really hurt when tightened.  In fact, I don't even notice the braces most of the time.  Just keep plenty of wax handy so they won't rub sores on the inside of your mouth.  On a pain scale of 1-10, the spacers are probably a 9 1/2.  The braces are about a 5 at their worst.  The pain is worth it though.  You will have a beautiful smile when it's all over.

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