
Getting Wisdom Teeth Out?

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How long does it take for the pain to stop, and for me to be back to normal




  1. mine tooth about 2-4 days, but every patient is different. i have some patients in my office that are still in pain for like about 2 weeks. but you have to follow there directions properly. this is your golden key to proper and fast healing!  

  2. Get a prescription for a pain killer and take it BEFORE the Novocaine wears off. That will keep the pain to a minimum the first day.  It will still sting the second day when you eat or drink but if you only eat soft foods like scrambled eggs it will not hurt the rest of the time.  By the forth or fifth day it will only be tender if you poke your tongue in the spot where the tooth used to be and if you are not gentle with the tooth brush.  By one week, you should be back to normal but try to chew on the other side until the stitches are removed or melted.

  3. I got my teeth out on Monday, and I am completely functional now.  I was up and about by 3 on monday, i went out tuesday evening and had sushi last night for dinner.  Granted, i had to eat very VERY carefully and have taken good care of my mouth (via rinsing with salt water and brushing my teeth gently).  My jaw is still a little bit stiff, but otherwise I am fine.

    It is a matter of how well you react to the surgery and the medications.  I just finished my Ammoxicilin prescription this morning and only took two of the pain medications, both on monday.  I've used ibuprofen since.  Just be patient.

  4. Oh man, I had mine out a few months ago and it took a week until I felt fine to do anything besides lay on my couch, but about 2 weeks until I felt completly normal.  Good luck.

  5. sucks to be you;

  6. It really depends on how you react to surgeries/pain medications. When I had mine out, the pain medications and antibiotics made me pretty sick, so it made the pain worse and it took a little over a week for the pain to go away =/

    However! I've got a pretty weak stomach, so chances are you'll have a much better recovery time than that.

    Good luck! And make sure to take it easy and eat lots of pudding =)

  7. I jsut got my taken out and takes about a week to start feeling better. Since i got my taken out early (im 13) and i did not have roots yet it only took about 5 days. The worst part is food collects in the pockets where the teeth were and makes them hurt really bads. So make sure to use a lot of mouth wash. And cook some rice to keep in the fridge so when you get hungry you can just heat it up. The other thing is keep the gauze in because if you don't you end up swalloing a lot of blood and it dosen't stay in your stomach for long.

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