
Getting a GED without schooling?

by Guest59152  |  earlier

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I feel kinda stupid even asking this. But because my family has always moved around I've never actually gone to that much school. I did while I was younger, but now I'm 17 and have years of stuff that I have no clue on. Like science, history, math etc.

I know the basics but not enough to take a GED. When I was 15 I started going to highschool, but then my parents moved to Israel and for the last two years I've just been working because I can't understand the language enough to go to school here. In december I need to go to the army. Once I get out I'll be 20/21. If I come back to the states is there anyway at that time (or even if I tried now) to bridge the gaps and actually pass a GED?

Has anyone succesfully accomplished this? If so I'd love to hear your comments.




  1. My sister stopped going to school at 12 years old, or 6th grade, because she was being sexually harrassed by her teacher and no one would do anything about it.  She took the GED at age 18 and passed it with flying colors.  Good luck to you! :)

  2. The Army should help you get your GED; ask your recruiter.  If not, then contact your local Board of Education and get the information.  There are classes you take to prepare you for the GED exam; also study books you can get for preparation.   Good luck to you.  And thank you for your (planned) service to our country.

  3. There's nothing "kinda stupid" about asking this, because many millions have accomplished this!

    I was a GED teacher in adult education for many years (and I have a GED Writing Skills workbook on line at California Distance Learning), and I can attest to the fact that adults into their sixties have successfully passed the test, some having attended classes, some self-taught.

    I suggest you take this time now to get some books (on Amazon) to help you study while you're in the Army.  When you return to the USA and settle in a state, inquire about the adult education classes (some in community colleges, some in adult schools) in your community and enroll.  They will be able to pretest you and find which areas you need work in before the test.  Then, when you feel confident, take the test (5 of them actually).  If you fail, you can always retry; you're not shut out because of it.  

    Good luck!


  4. I just realized, you are going into the Army in Israel. I am not sure if they help you with education or not, but they will at least help you with the language I would guess. Otherwise, you could educate yourself. There are so many curriculum's to choose from. Apologia is great for science (it is faith based btw). History is something you can study independent, but there are many curriculum's out there as well. Christian Liberty Press has some good ideas.

    Study what you are interested in. For grammar and math, you could use Saxon and Abeka. Take a placement test to see where you fit and go from there. I am not sure what the laws are for actually getting a diploma where you are, you may want to check:

    I know here, when my kids finish school, I write the diploma and make a transcript for them. This includes any classes taken, books used, volunteering and community services, sports, ect. They take that, their SAT scores to apply for college and there is no problem. We have had several families do this already. Of course, you still have to pass a college entry exam.

    Good luck! I kinda envy you getting to be in Israel. I have always wanted to travel there.

  5. You can practice for the GED on line , and many resources are free.

    There is also a practice book, it's as think as a New York Phone book, but really good, and has all the practice tests; the cost is about $15.00.

    Another option would be to go to a alternative high school, or community college, take the pre-test, see what your strong, and weak points are; take classes in the area's that you need, and take the test after that.

    Good luck.

  6. Yes, most school systems in the US provide GED classes to get  folks up to speed so that they can pass the test. They go over ALL the basics that you need to know.  Hey, glad to hear you are interested!  You might check on the Internet because some school districts offer the classes online and you might not need more than a refresher.

  7. find out if you get any credit for the Israelli army.  I got 30 credits for the US Army.

    The Army can also help you get a diploma

    Also in some US states you can go to a CC or JC if you are just over 18, once you complete a semester at college you legally can circle grade 13 or "some college" on a work application.

    That's a sneaky way to get around it.

  8. If Ur a USA citizen then u can do correspondence school or GED lessons online right now.... don't wait til age 21.  Why do u have to go in the Army?  Sounds like your a foreign national from another country that require their youth to serve military?  Working is good but don't lose focus of your goals in life!

  9. how do you plan to get into the service without a diploma.when my son wanted to join the service they told him that a GED would not be acceptable. he had to have a diploma.this is what bush calls an all volunteer army.just because they don't have a diploma it doesn't meant that they would not be a good soldier, or marine.,or sailor.,or fighter pilot.there are a lot of young people who want to join the armed forces and make a difference in their lives but without a high school diploma they are not eccepted,which i think is stupid since we are needing more troops to get the jobs done in iraq and afghanistan,and to keep the peace all around the world.     there are free sites on the net that gives you courses to take.check into and see what they have in their library.i don't know if this will help you but its worth a try.good luck and  thanks for considering  my freedom in joining the armed services.

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