
Getting a Job at 15 (NEARLY 16)?!? HELP!?

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Thanks so much for taking time to help me :)

So i am 15 years old, pretty much 16. I have 35 DAYS until im 16 and am DESPERATE for a job.

I actually got my first job at Subway when i was 15, but i resigned 2 months ago because my manager was illegally overworking me for my age.

So i DO have work experience, but NO ONE wants to hire a 15 year old :(

I live in California and am attending 11th grade in high and have a valid working permit.

Can you give me any ideas on what i should try for?

also, if you have advice on how to 'lure' the employer to give me the job would really help :)

The reason i am so desperate is, im turning 16, and not only that, i am able to get my license on my birthday since i got my permit right when i was 15 1/2.

I am buying a car all by myself, a 2008 ford focus :)

i have about 5,000 for the down payment, but i need to job to pay the monthly payments!!

i think ahead for a teen :)

so pleaseeee, advice on places that will hire me is what i need!





  1. Hiya, I am an employer in the uk and i have over 20 staff who are 15 and over, so although i am  unable to offer you a job cos i don't think the travelling will suit you!!, I think that your positive attitude will get you through, i would advise writing to people in your area who you know employ at 15, state your qualities and say why you are so keen to get employment, the fact that your dad is willing to co-sign the agreement will speak volumes to an employer, if they can see that your dad has faith in you then they will too, they will also realise that your dad will not let you give up your job lightly as he will be liable for the payments and if you are really serious then hopefully you will work hard so to get your car and not let your dad down with payments on the car, all this stands in your favour, you also seem very mature for your age. so good luck and i hope this helps

  2. we have alot in common , Im 14 and worked in a sotre , but i just got fired ! im so angry ! . I also got over worked !

    Plus you have the same  name as my sister , Haley , and our second name begins with a B .

    Try a store .

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