
Getting a braces mouth mold?

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will it feel like i'm going to choke or get sick?





  1. omg, im getting one wednesday when i get my braces off, ik how you feel :(

    but its something we'll both have to overcome haha. i've read that these are some ways to help you through:

    1) ask for warm water in the mold; the warm water makes it set faster :)

    2) lift your leg, wiggle your toes & fingers, look at a spot on a wall, count your breaths, etc - distract yourself somehow

    3) breathe thru your nose & keep your eyes focused DOWN, not up.

    4) try to relax & not make it feel like its the end of the world - its only 10 seconds or so :) you'll feel amazing when its done with!

    good luck!

  2. You may feel like your going to be sick but the tell you to breath only through your nose so you cant breath any of it in. And also keep your tongue as far away as possible. It only takes a few minutes and wont be bad! TRUST ME!!!

  3. hey.

    well, i had to get them when i got my braces on and got them off [a week ago :)]

    anyway, it depends on your gag reflex.

    most people feel like gagging and stuff when it happens.

    the lady said to breathe through your nose, which actually helps.

    aww, that sucks. the bottom ones are much easier, and they don't feel bad. because the top ones, you can't breathe through your mouth. the bottom ones you can.

    and it sucks when they take them out.

    but, hey, its only for like a couple minutes.

    don't worry. and atleat you'll have straight teeth soon :)

  4. its on both top and bottom of your mouth that they mold it.

    i went today for the impression and it didnt bother me so much.

    they told me to breathe through my nose and i did. The taste of it was minty but then a little disgusting if you breathed with your mouth. Mines tasted like mint kind of but i got through it. The molding got all over my face which was hilarious =).

    Theyll let you rinse your mouth afterwards.

    Breathe through your nose!

  5. do you have bad reflexes? cause if so then you will gag alot trust me but just breathe through your nose and you will be perfectly fine.

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