
Getting a college loan, have a few questions.?

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I sent this question to a lender, but still no response. It's fairly important right now because my laptop is beginning to tank, so I thought I'd ask here.

1.) I might get a loan and defer it. Even though most deferred college loans force you to start paying after four years of college, I think I'm going to be taking 5 years to graduate. When would I have to start paying?

2.) If I get a deferred loan, can I start paying it off even while it's still deferred? I might choose to do this so I can avoid having a definite monthly payment and just pay it off at my own discretion.

3.) If I don't get a deferred loan, is there a minimum loan for a certain amount of years? For example, I want a $2000 loan. At 9%, it would be $175 a month, 2 years would be $90 a month, 3 years would be $65 a month. I want to get as low of a monthly as possible just in case a crisis occurs ($7 gallon of gas, family emergency, etc.,.) even though I'll be paying $100+ most of the time.




  1. The best loan you can get are the subsidized ones because the  government pays the interest.

  2. When you are taking out a college loan remember the most important thing. When you accept it make sure your able to pay it off. A large student debt right out of college is a bad and hard start.

  3. Sadly, the cost of funding an education these days can be high, and for those that want to improve their chances of a successful future through increased education there is the inevitable issue of debt to deal with. Many students now leave university<!--saddled with a high amount of debt, and in addition to their student loan also have a range of other debts, such as credit cards - not the ideal way to start your life in the 'real world'. You can find student consolidation loans available from a number of banks and lenders, both on the high street and online.

    You will find a number of different lenders and plans that are suitable for students that wish to consolidate their student loan and other debts, and students should ensure that they compare different loans and consolidation plans from a number of lenders-->rather than rushing into a decision. The objective of consolidation is to reduce the number of repayments that you make, but also to reduce the amount that you pay out each month, and if you choose the wrong plan or lender you could find that you do not achieve this objective.

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