
Getting a job at the petshop?

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Im 15 and im applying for a job to work at the pet shop part-time. Its a huge petshop and they sell every animal you can think of. However people keep saying horrible things about petshops,and how people should stop selling animals to petshops and start buying from the RSPCA. I really love animals and im Vegan and do you think i would be doing wrong thing by applying for a job at the petshop?




  1. I'm not a vegan but my belief is, all petshops selling animals should be closed. What is right and what is wrong is a personal issue. It's your decision.

  2. u'v but ur question in the wrong place but anyway i feel like its ok to go on with it as long as u feel like it and just enjoy it .  :)

  3. It is wrong for you to get a job at a pet store.  There are too many homeless pets already.  By selling pets, you will be advocating "purchasing" pets instead of adopting them.

    Pet store pets come from animal distributors.  They are much like a factory farm for pets.  Pets die in pet stores all the time from lacking veterinary care.

    It comes down  to money.  Pet stores use animals to make money.  They don't care about how the animals end up.  All they care about is money.  By working for them you will be profiting from the animals too.

    As a vegan, I would be more likely to protest outside of a pet store than work at one.

    Please think about the long term affects of pet stores selling animals.  Also think of the millions of animals that have to be put to sleep every year because someone bought a pet instead of adopting one.

  4. Hey hun,

    I live in Ontario Canada, and here, most of the pet stores sell pets FROM the HSPCA and at least 90% of the sale goes to the HSPCA.  So I would check with the pet store first to see if they are getting their pets from the HSPCA.

    Hope they are doing that, because I love that idea, there are already soooo many stray animals out there, there's no use in breeding more.

    But if you love animals, then take the job and make sure that the animals are being well taken care of and humanely! Good luck!! ♥

  5. I think that if you need a job, then get a job.

    If you're going to be stacking shelves or working on a till, you're really not making a lot of difference to how much money the company is making. If you're not in that job, another person will be.

    Another thing you may wish to consider is what would that other person spend their money on? Partly non-vegan things.

    Perhaps you could try and make things a little less horrific for the animals by being kind to them and bringing them food, nice bedding and things like that.

    I whole-heartedly agree that animals should only be rescued and never bought. Breeding is an atrocity, and we can all avoid it by not profiting breeders and instead giving loving homes to animals that really need one.

    I go back to my original point, if you need a job, then get one. It's impossible to completely avoid the subject of exploitation and abuse in this world, you can but minimise your impact and help others to do the same. I'll probably have to work for a company that do things I don't agree with, but I'll just have to put up with it until I am in a position to do something else.

    I hope this helps,


  6. Why would you be doing the wrong thing? Pet shop animals need homes too, and you can make as positive a difference for them while they're waiting to be sold, as you can for any other animal. Either way, you're doing something good to help animals

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