
Getting a job while pregnant?

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Ok a little background and info: I am 15 week pregnant with my second, This pregnancy is high risk, I have SPD (it has to do with your pelvic bone being unstable during pregnancy, so it hurts if you do too much walking), I lost my first at 20 weeks pregnant in Jan, they couldn't find out what happened from the million tests they took of my son and me.

Well I decided that it would help a little if I got a second job, Just to put that in savings and not touch it. Well I went to quite a few places to apply and someone at one job (who was about 7 months pregnant) told me do not say I'm pregnant till I am hired. which I kind of already knew. But I feel bad because I am kind of lying when I say I can lift over 40 pounds and can climb ladders and etc. etc. do all that stuff that is required.

What do I do? Just to get the job say I can and after say oh I can't here is a doctors note, I'm pregnant? That is pretty much what the women told me to do but I just feel weird.




  1. If you're at high risk you shouldn't be getting a job where you stand, lift and climb ladders. What about a temp office type job? Where you can sit and work?? It's true that you don't need to tell them you are pregnant BUT if you apply for a job that requires lifting, standing, climbing..anything that you can't be doing then they can in fact fire you for lying about being qualified for the job. It's ok to not tell them as long as you can do what is required for the position.

  2. I think that you should just be honest from the beginning. .Because in the long run you are going to look like a liar. I know you said you feel weird doing this and I would too, so dont. Just tell them that you are pregnant and you are looking for work. If they do not hire you than thats what is suppose to happen. Sorry if i am not much help, I just believe that being honest up front will save you later on down the road.. who knows they might fire you right away for deceiving them, who knows. Good Luck!

  3. You're not lying, you're just not divulging information that is none of their business. Your pregnancy and medical info is protected by HIPAA. And though it would be illegal to discriminate employment against a pregnant woman, it still sort of happens.

    Pregnant women are a liability to a company in terms of danger in the work environment. Giving them the info may encourage them to find some other way to disqualify you that is not as direct.

  4. Go and get the job, don't tell them you are pregnant. Then come to work one day and spring it as a surprise! "Oops, I just thought my period was late". Or, "I had been so stressed and that's why I thought I was missing periods" (if anyone asks). But they cannot fire you for being pregnant; it's discriminatory. And don't feel bad; provide as much as you can for your child.  

  5. No way in heck I would get a second job.  Far too risky.

  6. if you find a job where you dont have to lift, like cashier or something, then you dont have to say anything because it isnt their business. For them to even ask you is not right because they wouldnt ask a man the same question. I found that out in a job readiness program. you dont have to tell them if your are pregnant, you dont have to tell them you have kids, or any of that.

  7. I dont know where you live but in Australia you can get temp jobs.

    So if you got a temp admin job for 3 or 6 months, that should be ok. But i would not be telling them that you can lift heavy stuff.

    Or you can not even tell them about the pregnacy but make sure that it is a desk job.

  8. you should work as p**n star!!!  because i love pregnant women who know how to, do the dirty wild thing- uh huh uh huh

  9. HI,

    Well I'm 8 months pregnant and wow... time did fly by fast for me. I work at Albertsons in the bakery department. And do we pick up heavy stuff there... I mean I have a doctors note saying do not lift anything over 25lbs, but do you think they care NOT... they honestly don't they help me by getting my boxes that i need from the back but as far as lifting from the table to here nope all me honey.. i worked this whole pregnancy, I was so concerned and still is till this day about hurting my son. my friends help which is great but there still that 10% of the day I'm still picking up boxes... oh yeah this is my first kid too!

    I say get a job why not? I mean yeah you definitely have to think about the risk of staying on your feet all day but you can find a job being a recptionst or file clerk, or cashier, or sales floor, and when ever you need to sit down sit down... Well I want to find me another job but your right... im big But I think you should be honest with them right from the start yeah you think they will not hire you because the fact that your pregnant but they cant do that its called discrimination. So Go for it why not... hope this helps good luck!

  10. If you're at high risk for losing your baby, it doesn't make much sense to go get a job where you'll be up and on your feet.

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