
Getting a kitten with younger kids?

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Me and my husband want to get a kitten, but we have younger children (one and three years old) can anyone lend some helpful kitten 101 and some advise with having a kitten with younger kids?




  1. Get a cat that is declawed and has a high tolerance for things such as tail pulling.  Children can get kinda rowdy with animals so its best to have one that will get used to those kind of things.

  2. I have had cats since my youngest were 2 years old.They grew up together and they were life long pals.Before you get a kitty talk to your kids about getting a kitty.Tell them about being gentle and sweet to the kitty.tell them they are very small and that we must take care of them,etc,etc.They will be fine together you just have to be very hands on with them for a while.Enjoy your kids and your new kitty. Takes lots of pics and video so you can revisit the baby years any time in the future.Good luck and God bless!!

  3. i am not a mom or anything but when i was little we found a kitten in our backyard and was 3 years old. i would like choke the poor kitty. So i would say get a cat that is around a year or two.

  4. you might want to wait till your kids are a bit older. they might think it's a play toy, and hurt it. it might also harm them if they hurt it even the slightest. if your kids are that young, they might also need a lot of attention, and that probably already had your schedule popping. Kittens need a LOT of attention,. trust me... I've had two hipper kittens in my life.

  5. My advise is, you should not get any kinds of pet until your children are getting older.  The kitten will be nervous and your children will have chance to get allergy.

  6. I would not suggest a kitten for children that young.  Too much handling can kill a kitten.  Plus kids that young just don't understand how to handle a kitten.  I would wait until they're older.

  7. Yeah, you'd have to be super careful. They're going to think its funny to put it in stupid boxes and toss it around and all this other bizzare kid stuff.

  8. wow!!! a kitten with younger kittens! She could  die while giving birth or her babies could die in her stomach, btw when she has her babies this might ick you out but, if she doesn't know what to do...........

    nevermind, just check out this AWEOSME website, it soooo works!!

  9. If you have kitten your children will have allergie related diseases almost certainly. If unlucky even severe, live threatening Problems.

  10. I have a one year old who is crazy about our kitten. I got him when he was young so that he could get used to the craziness of our house. I made him a spot up in a windowsill so that he could climb to a spot that is just his and the kids can't reach him. I help the baby hold and love him. You just have to teach the kids to not squeeze and to be gentle.  

  11. Kids 6 and under may think that the kitten is a like a toy or something. They can squeeze the little Kitten and the kitten can harm them(Like a scratch)

  12. I used to own two cats. My parents wouldn't let me get a cat until I reached the age of 10. I've heard some stories of the cats fur suffocating children when they sleep. Although I believe most are exagerated. If you do buy a kitten and try to keep it away from the kids room's it will be awfully hard since cats are very quiet. I love cats, but it would be smart to wait, especially since you have a one year old.

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