
Getting a new cat? (plz help!!)

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I have researched about cats and had them when I was 10 (I am 15 now) and want to know the beggining things to get a kitty?




  1. Litter Box, Food Bowl, Water Bowl, Brush, ask the people where your getting the kitten what kind/brand or food they have been feeding and make sure you purchase the same. I highly recommend a collar with bells, cats tend to hide in a new place and the bells will help you find him/her. Also make an appointment with a vet for the same day you pick up your kitten to make sure she/he checks out.  

  2. when getting a kitten you need :

    1. a litter box (after a while you start putting the litter-box in the garden then eventually remove it to train your cat to go to the toilet outside.)

    2. a little bed for it to snuggle up in. (a cushion or basket work well and my cat has a furry one that hangs off the radiator so it is nicely heated in the winter.)

    3. a scratching post is a must have if you are getting a young kitten, if you don't have one then expect your curtains to be in shreds. XD

    4. some nice toys for it to play with. something like a soft squishy mouse that contains catnip which is a sort of herb or something that cats love. a golf ball sized plastic ball with a bell in it my cat used to love when it was younger and we played football with it lol. some kind of piece of string with something hanging from it is another thing that cats like.

    5. remember to buy it cat food, and cat biscuits for him/her to eat. try buying different kinds of brands, meats, and fishy cat food so you can find which type it likes best. we give ours some tinned salmon or tuna on special occasions such as it's birthday or christmas etc. we only give our cat water, but you can but special 'cat milk', as normal milk is not good for it.

    most of all stroke it and play with it a lot and you will soon have a nice little cat. :)

  3. cats have only basic needs.  food, water litter

    so with that said. litter box litter ( get a good kind or otherwise it stinks), water and food bowls, food, and of course a collar.

    thats all you actually need to start out with.

    extras would be....

    cats love toys with catni, little fake mice and balls that jingle. and you may want to get a scartching post if the cat is not declawed.  also kitty treats are nice to give when they are being loveable.

  4. get a litter box, and a cat house.  

  5. Besides all the things everyone else has mentioned here, I'm going to take it one step further and suggest that you have pet health insurance.  The insurance is pretty cheap and it's well worth the money.  Just a week after one of my friends got a kitten, he tried to climb the shower curtain and fell and broke one of his legs.  The vet bill was really high and it was difficult for my friend to come up with the money (although she was able to finally pay it off in installments).  That's why, when I got my cat a few weeks later, one of the first things I did was purchase pet health insurance.  The most I'll ever have to pay for a vet bill is $200 and the insurance will cover the rest of the cost for any treatment.  You can look online for insurance companies -- just do a search for pet health insurance.

    Good luck with your new kitty!  I hope it's a very long and loving relationship!

  6. food,litterbox,blankets,toys

  7. you need:

    litterbox, cat carrier to bring it to the vets, food and water dishes, cat bed, blanket, toys, food, collar, litter scoop, scratching post, comb/brush, nail trimmers,waterless shampoo.

  8. Get a simple cat litter pan, some unscented litter and a good scoop. Consider getting a step trash can just for the litter box. You will appreciate the lid when you need to take a day or two to empty it out again.

    Purchase wet and dry food that is age appropriate to your new kitty. I use simple things for food and water dishes. Try getting some plastic disposable plates, about 6" or slightly smaller. As your cat gets older you can look around and find whatever fancy thing you want. In the meantime your expenses can be minimized by taking these few precautions.  I use bowels from my dishes or the large flat Tupperware bowels to give my two cats water, and they love it. My littlest cat thinks that the bigger the bowl the better, so yours might be picky too..

    I always recommend a carrier to new kitty owners, you will need it to transport the kitty. I also suggest simple toys, like a couple of feather balls and some cheap mice, all of the NON-catnip variety. Cats don't need Catnip to have a good time and they honestly won't know they are missing anything.

    Other than that, set aside about $200.00 for the first shots and the spray/neuter fees. After that most cats are easy to care for for the first 5-6 years.

    If you can, get your new kitty from the local shelters or rescue groups. They often do that stuff for you and will really cut down on the costs of a new kitty.

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