
Getting a new dog soon?

by  |  earlier

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anyway :)

i am gonna be getting a new dog soon and

i had a lot of them before and still do at my dads

(i live with my mom and thats were i am gonna keep it at)

and i was wondering what suppiles do i need and how much money

it would cost..

I dont know what dog i am getting yet and i am gonna get it at a shelter:)

and i think i have around 150.00 - 200.00 dollars to spend




  1. Well dogs might only need shots once a year, but puppies will need shots a lot the first year, so keep that in mind.  It will depend on the laws where you live, what they need.  It will need a collar, leash, food and water dish, toys, bones, I would get a crate or child gate it or something until it can behave in your house.  My dogs have doggie pillows and blanket, but most of the time they sleep on the floor.  

  2. Good for you for adopting a dog from a shelter!! You are saving a life and getting a new friend. Vaccines are the most important thing the dog needs. They cost around $70-120, unless the shelter has already given them. The dog will also need to be neutered/spayed. Dogs need water/food bowls, dry dog food, toys, treats,  and a bed. Puppies need more toys than older dogs, even though most older dogs enjoy toys also. A fenced in yard is always good to have, so a dog can run and play and be safe.

    Consider the responsibilities before getting a dog. Congratulations!!

  3. Bed

    Crate if you want to crate train it which is nice to have done even if eventually you stop using it

    Collar & Leash

    Food & Water Dish

    Nail Clippers



    A few reference books about care and maintenance

    I know i'm forgetting stuff but I can't think what right now

  4. First thing you need to do is take him to the vet and get him checked out and see if he needs worming. First round of shots will be needed also. You need a bowl for water, and one for food. You might want to get him a bed also. If you are going to be gone all day and he will be alone, get a crate to put him in while you are gone. This way, he won't tear your house apart while yo are gone. Get a couple of chew toys for him to play with when you leave him in the crate. Since I don't know what your vet charges, I can't tell you the cost, but it soundsl ike you do have enough money to cover the cost. Best of luck to you.

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