
Getting a parakeet?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting a parakeet and I was wondering the following

1. Should I routinly clip it's wings? why or why not

2. I live in a college dorm, is it a good idea to bring the parakeet to live with me there?

3. male or female





  1. all birds should have their wings clipped, for they can fly away.

    if it is okay with the college, i think it would be okay id there are no wild parties there.

    both male and female can aproach you with an open heart!

    Good Luck!

  2. You should clip its wings but you have to be VERY careful! I suggest if it is your first time go to a vet to have it done just in case. But I dont think that you should bring it into a college dorm unless your by yourself. It doesnt really matter male of female. Although when you get a budgie you SHOULD NEVER let it go by any windows. If it gets a chill ( and they do very easily)  it will get very sick and unfourtunately die. And if you get a budgie alone you MUST get a nother parakeet so they can keep eachother company. You can get male/male female/male but never put 2 females together.

  3. #1 - You don't really have to since you live in a dorm, but if you do, take it to a vet so they can do it.

    #2 - There is no problem with you living in a dorm, as long as you have a window with good sunlight, it'll be fine.

    #3 - Doesn't matter, they both come in the same variety of colors, and there isn't much of a difference in behavior.
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