
Getting a perm (relaxer) for the first time tomorrow...?

by Guest56139  |  earlier

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Tomorrow (Monday) I'm getting a perm for the first time and school starts on Tuesday. Will my hair be like...set by then? I wanted to get it today but last night I was itching it a lot and I don't want it to burn. I stopped itching but it's too hard to resist.




  1. it will be fine heres some tips

    * dont over do the recomemded time

    * rinse one extra time

    * dont towel dry hair!! blow dry it

    * at night dont hold it too tight in a bun or put tights over your hair so it doesnt brake

    * next morning give it a good comb

    * cream it if it feels dry


    good luck

  2. So what are you doing? Perm to curl or relaxing you hair to smooth.And yes it will be "set" .I hope your not doing this at home, you should be going to a salon.

  3. A perm is making your hair curled.

    A relaxer straightens your hair.

    They're opposites.

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