
Getting a press pass for concerts?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 15 years old, and i have a huge interest in photography.

one day, i hope to be a photographer for some sort of publication or company that works with musicians.

i figure, it's best to start early, right?

so my question is this; how would i go about getting a photo pass, or a press pass to concerts in my area?

i always go to shows and see a lot of people my age with press passes, and i'm curious as to how they got them, because i would really like to be able to take better photos of the performers with my canon rebel.

if anyone could help me out, that'd be great.

thank you. :)




  1. It helps to have a publication backing you. See if any local publication needs photos first, and ask if you can be credentialed through them. The next step (with or without a backer) would be to contact the artist's management. It takes some digging, but you can usually find out who their tour manager is online. If not, call the venue to get their managers information.  

  2. The way I got mine years ago was by knowing the bands or artist, they wanted me to photograph them so I that got me a press pass.

    I wasn't much older than you when I got mine I went to school with Dave Berry who was popular for a time in the '60's.


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