
Getting a scholarship?

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I am going into 9th grade this fall and i want to immediately work on my scholarship and application by doing a lot of extracurriculars and community service hours. My family is not in the greatest financial state. I am a intelligent athlete and get close to straight A's. I know even if i get a job throughout high school i wont be able to pay for College. Hopefully i can save some and get grants or something. Do you have any advice that could help me?




  1. You can try to go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  2. Im going i to senior year and i would give to be in your position.

    The best thing you can do is start at grade 9, which i didn't has really helped me

    also find a teach that you really click with at school ask if she ca be your mentor. teacher's really have an insight into these things....make sure your taking AP classes as soon as you can take them and focus on your sport. I play soccer and I hope to in college...sometimes you can get scholarships so a div 3 school rather easily.

    prepare for the SAT

    Work hard

    and good luck
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