
Getting a syrian hamster......?

by  |  earlier

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So Im getting a gold and white syrian hamster, naming it Heidi, and I was just wondering if I have everything under control on how to take care of it. Please read all and help me.

Well first of all, I have 2 dogs and 2 cats so the cage(8-10 gallon fish tank) will be kept in my room with the door closed all the time, before I go to school in the morning I'll check if there is another pet in my room and before I go to bed. Dont worry, I'll spend much time with my other pets too. Well should I keep the fish tank on the floor or on a piece of furniture?

I will be using Carefresh bedding. I will have a exercise wheel, the wood things for the teeth to not get long, a small purple igloo for it to sleep in, a couple toys, water bottle, food bowl, and a few veggies lying around. Also, a little hamster ball for it to roll around in when i get home. Sound good?

I will be feeding it before school in the morning (i go to school 8am-3pm except some days i go 8am-1:10pm) and then maybe around 10-11 i'll feed it a little more. Should I feed it more or is that good enough?

The cage will be cleaned once to twice a week. Good?

If theres anything else I need to know please tell me.

P.S. - I know to keep the water fresh and clean it daily:)




  1. That is great and for you question you should keep it on a piece of furniture just encase.. You should check out my Hamstere website there are contests (wich any rodewnt can enter), home-made almost everything and even an ask section and ALOT more you should deff check it out :  


  2. Nice, your set!

  3. I would keep it on a piece of furniture just so you don't drop anything on top of the cage or kick it.

    You will want to keep the food in the cage at all times so they can eat when ever they want to especially at night because they are nocturnal. Veggies should be removed after 4 hours so they don't go bad and cause sickness.

    I recommend to find a vet that treats hamsters before you get one so just in cause you do need one for some that you have it. It saves alot of stress in an emergency.

    Everything sounds good though. Have fun with your hamster =)

  4. you sound like you've done your research but a 10 (not 8) gallon tank is minimum for a syrian. try to get something bigger like a 15 or preferably a 20L. and definitely on furniture. don't want any accidents with the bigger animals now. hehe. just leave food in a bowl and the hamster will eat when hungry and veggies only what he can munch in a few minutes without storing. you don't want him living with mold or fruit flies. and another reason i say a bigger tank is because with all that you are speaking of giving the hammie, it will have little to no room seeing how big they get. well other than that it looks good. good luck.

  5. You have some excellent plans - keeping the cage away from other pets, using carefresh bedding, providing an igloo and a wheel are all vital for your hammie.

    However, there are some things you need to consider.

    Firstly, an 8-10 gal tank is nowhere near big enough for a syrian hamster. If you specifically want to use a tank go for a 20 gallon or larger. Otherwise buy a plasic and wire cage that is large enough. Another option is to make a "bin cage" using a large underbed storage tub.

    You definitely need a cage that is large enough to give the hamster some toys, such as cardboard tubes and stuff. A 10 gal is barely big enough to fit the igloo and wheel let alone anything else.

    As for feeding, hamsters are best fed ad lib - meaning food should be available at all times. Small rodents are foragers by nature and have high metabolisms, so they need to eat frequently.

    But other than a larger cage and better feeding I think you have it sorted! Enjoy your hamster!

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