
Getting a tooth exposure!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Does it hurt. (getting the k-9 tooth exposed)

how long will it take to heal.

Not being put to sleep during it either.

How bad will it be?

Should i bring my ipod during the surgery?




  1. Hi there! It's a piece of cake. They will numb the area (just like if you were having a filling or a tooth pulled) and then they make a small cut in your gums. Sometimes they remove a little bit, but even if they do it won't be bad. When you're done, the worst that you might feel is a little aching in the area, but nothing a Tylenol won't handle. Gum tissue heals very fast, so healing time isn't long. And before you know it your canines will come poking through. I promise it sounds way worse than what it is! You'll do great!!!

  2. I had this procedure done to my front tooth. I was put to sleep for the procedure, therefore i did not feel any pain. After surgery i was given pain killer but i honestly didn't feel any pain. My face was swollen for about a day and a half , but i was given a ice pack from the surgeons office as well as Ensure to drink because you must not eat or drink anything before your surgery. In regards to your ipod , if you are put to sleep it won't make any sense, if you are not put to sleep then you can bring your ipod. The surgery lasted about 45 mins. It also didn't take long to heal, about 2 weeks maximum

  3. Getting a tooth exposed isn't that big or complicated of a procedure.  You'll be given local anesthesia in the area, so you won't feel any pain.  Since you're young, it won't take you that long to heal.  Some soreness is to expected after, and you can take regular pain pills for that.  All the procedure is is removing the gum tissue that is covering up your canine, and allowing it to be guided down into the rest of your dentition.  Depending on the crowding around that tooth, they may need to place a chain on the tooth so that the braces can help better guide it down.  It won't be bad at all; i've done a number of them, and its pretty straightforward.

    Sure, bring your ipod during surgery.  Listening to your fav music is a good way to help relax during the procedure.  Just remember, all you need to do is just keep open, and 'try' not to bite your dentist.  I'm sure they'd appreciate that :)

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