
Getting a tooth pulled, help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a chipped tooth, and its got a cavity and I'm in a lot of pain when I tap it. So, my mom is taking me to children's hospital to get it pulled it out. Its my far left molar. So, i'm scared shitless! What do I do when its out? Can I eat? Can I drink? Tell me EVERYTHING you know! Thank you




  1. I had my very back tooth pulled a few years ago due to the damage my braces did to me as a child.

    First off, the dentist will numb you with novocaine. You will honestly not feel a thing when they extract your tooth out. You will be able to eat (mainly soft foods), just be careful to not eat on that particular side. As far as drinking goes, do not drink out of a straw or smoke; you don't want to develop a dry socket.

    Honestly, I was in NO pain afterwards, even after the novocaine wore off.

    You will be fine and feel a MILLION times better - no more toothache!

  2. I had all four of my wisdom teeth out...when the laughing gas wasn't fully kicked in! No, it wasn't funny at the time, but basically, don't stress about it. They'll most likely give you gas to make you semi-conscious, in addition to Novocaine, so you won't feel any discomfort.

    Once it's out, you'll probably go home and sleep for a while, and when you wake up, you can eat basically mushy stuff for a while, like mashed potatoes, applesauce, ice cream, etc. Your doctor should give you some pain medication, so take that before the Novocaine wears off. You can drink anything really, except real hot things, and no drinking out of a straw for a few days.

    Within a couple days you should be feeling good as new! Good luck : )

  3. i had one pulled out when i was 7 it was my top front tooth i chipped it flipping over the monkey bars and it looked hideous my dentist advised my mom it should be pulled out she agreed

    so when we went to the place they put this type of mask think over my nose...(it smelled delicious) and it made me very loopy and fall asleep when i woke up i asked my mom when are they going to pull it out and she did they already did. i didnt feel a thing. it just feels like you lost a tooth it didnt hurt at all. the new tooth grew back fine and healthy dot worry about a thing but after it is pulled out convince your mom to take you for ice cream.  

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